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12/21/16 10:48 AM

#40210 RE: fishhunter #40209

When this stock explodes....and it will, whats the first thing investors will say to themselves? "Oh man!" I wish I had time to acquire more! Oh man, I wish this would dip so I can pick up some more!"

I love having this unknown little gem off the radar.

You couldnt script a more perfect build debt, r/s already done, uplisting done, contracts pouring in one after another, and NO movement?

I keep buying myself little christmas of small blocks of VTSI.

Cheers mate


12/21/16 11:25 AM

#40212 RE: fishhunter #40209

Non-reporting companies remain mostly irrelevant, for good reason!

And you don't get a pass for taking years to finally move to a less-crappy market.
Refuse transparency and you are quite justly refused proper recognition.

When(if) they start breaking down their revenue and expense numbers in a meaningful way, something they could do today and cost them NOTHING, that will begin to bring them up to par with 10,000 loser companies... Then they need to finally step up to the plate by offering forward guidance to shareholders, something serious public companies cheerfully provide, including mention of what's in the existing pipeline. Finally, management needs to then become accountable for achieving stated guidance goals. And therein remains the rub, the unwanted elephant that remains very much in plain sight.

Instead they remain dazed, captive in their mom-and-pop scenario of power and secrecy, kicking and screaming to resist transparency at all costs. And those costs continue to hold the company hostage from the real investment world. Hell, they appear as surprised as shareholders when a contract lands on their doorstep, AKA 'lumpy' quarters... And unknown sales goals, if any, apparently move with the wind.

That's why a buyout, in this case, would be in the best interest of the common shareholders. The company remains absent the knowledge or desire to effect timely changes necessary to maximize shareholder value. Expect little change and you may not be disappointed, much, remains their call to action, under this regime; hardly the banner under which new investors will flock. No excitement here, as lost opportunity costs continue to mount.