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12/13/16 6:33 PM

#22489 RE: JRLopehandia #22488

Thanks a lot for that post with those great YouTube videos JRLopehandia! The two English YouTube links are beauties, and I especially enjoyed your "message" to the House of Commons and Justin Trudeau. Aside from pointing out how nasty you think Barrick might be, it was clever how you accused Conservative PM's Mulroney and Harper of various questionable activities and then expressed your obvious affinity for Justin. Wouldn't it be great if that video was played before the House? ...the members would surely enjoy and remember that.

BTW, your comment of being remanded to an insane asylum reminded me of something.... a few posts ago I asked you what would've prompted a BCSC staffer to suggest that you be taken into police custody because of being mentally insane. So has the suggestion that you be taken into custody been made again? Someone sure seems insistent about this don't they?

Thanks again for those links to YouTube.


12/13/16 11:55 PM

#22493 RE: JRLopehandia #22488

Why are you posting here Jorge as we have nothing left to give you


12/14/16 4:55 AM

#22494 RE: JRLopehandia #22488 said in your phone conversation...."The project has been judicially ordered to be delivered to me" Any chance you can post that court ruling? I guess I must have missed it? Ummmm.....hate to break the bad news to you but you have lost EVERY SINGLE court case in Chile.....let me repeat have lost EVERY SINGLE court case in Chile.

You also said in your long meaningless spiel ......"I had the Supreme court judges removed because they erred in judgement saying I had nothing to do with the case" That's interesting......MTSTACK already proved that this was not true on stockhouse....also....can you post the ruling from "the new Supreme COURT judges" that let you back in? I sure hope so because if you can't....YOUR CAUGHT IN ANOTHER LIE...... again...all talk not a bit of proof to back your words....does it EVER stop????


12/19/16 6:01 PM

#22508 RE: JRLopehandia #22488

Hey JL! I noticed you removed your videos from youtube....why? BTW....I saved them and will post them on Stockhouse .....I want to make sure the BCSC does not forget them.....