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12/13/16 9:18 AM

#59250 RE: SandridgeEnergy #59246

Those aren't scams, those are called innovations. They are called tech startups. Yes, they all use templates, just as all toilet paper all comes on a roll, it's no coincidence, it's simply the best template to use for toilet paper. And those guys sound pretty cool if you ask me. I feel bad that they cant seem to get it together enough to knock one out of the park like Nelson did but they sound like really neat guys!

Tech startups fail, and fail often, probably more than regular business, that they say what only 10% of them succeed? And beyond that, before they fail? How are you supposed to generate support? To get people excited and to rally behind a product? What do you think is going to garner more support and money?

Ad campaign A.) This product will deliver slightly better returns than the current, as it's really only a slight variation on a current product. The odds of us getting the patent are really low. Someday we might be able to get a patent in another country.


Ad campaign B.) This product is going to be revolutionary! It's going to deliver 200% more power! Its breakthrough design lets it do things people never dreamed of!! Our path includes applying for a patent and then going to market!

It's called marketing. (Or in this day and age maybe Merketing?)
Sales... Nobody is scamming anyone, not here, not now, not ever. Those other companies aren't scams either. They are just poor concepts and long-shot technology. Again- perfectly legal, and neat stuff. You never know, maybe one of them actually takes off and changes the world someday. But you would rather leave it to big business because you think it takes trillions invested to improve upon an idea. Really you must be an expert in SO many fields too... because you are calling out science and technology on so many different levels. How many PhD's do you have, a bakers dozen? Do you think if it's not on the internet for you to research on your own, that it can't ever potentially work? Believe it or not there actually is science beyond what's posted on the net, and wiki.

You ever watch Shark Tank? Same thing. And some of those guys smell snake oil salesmen and say "nope". You are trying to be the shark, and say, "this is a scam!!!".... we all get it. You're beating your drum harder than ever, and all you get is the replies from the same people. Nobody cares! People like to gamble. Stocks are a gamble, because there is risk. Just like a game of poker, you can have many different hands and win the game, and sometimes you can have NO hand and still win with a bluff.

Nobody cares about the past, or the other companies. Nobody cares that the cell was a crazy idea that didn't pan out for whatever reason. Clearly the past is how we got here, and here is a great place. Unless you chased it and got in at the top, this hasn't been a terrible investment, it just hasn't been a great one. However the game is on and we're only in the early innings. You accost everyone here why? Because they don't believe you? Did Nelson do something to you personally or are you just that altruistic that you need to save everyone? Did you invest early on I wonder in Machine Talker and lose big? Or is it simply because the stock price isn't where it should be. This is a very young investment still, I'm sticking with it because I believe in the company and the leadership "now", not what they did years ago... I never invested in the cell. It's old news that nobody cares about.

This is a micro cap now, trading in the sea of micro caps. The level just above the OTC. Tony company, alongside many others that have been vetted enough or are clever enough to get to where they are. Now the market (shark tank) will determine if they are invest-able enough to move to the next level....Small caps. It wont be overnight, but I think they get there based on the fact they they grew so much using almost no debt. Pretty impressive. Integration is not going away, and the tech will only get cheaper allowing for more installations (sales/revenue) to be sold by the Sunworks team.

I'm still long.


12/13/16 10:35 AM

#59254 RE: SandridgeEnergy #59246

Actually it is a fair comparison. Nelson told you up front the goal was to license an idea to existing manufacturers. That's called full disclosure. Nobody was scammed. Is FSLR a scam also it's 52 week performance is worse than SUNW?