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12/08/16 5:42 AM

#52054 RE: Welcome2Pinkyland #52053

Yappy Tiny Richard also said THIS nonsense (what a nutbag!):

THE COURT: Mr. Granville, what is your position here?

7 MR. GRANVILLE: Your Honor, the things that I just
8 heard regarding Mr. Snyder not sending any discovery for the
9 defamation is very concerning.
10 I have not received in all cases any information
11 about this case from Mr. Snyder. Mr. Snyder basically said
12 that if the agreement with us were stopped, me and the
13 company have no right to tell him anything about how he runs
14 this case.
15 'We also have had a letter from Patricia where we
16 were providing affidavits to The Court regarding a coup
17 attempt by John with an investor on my company
18 basically, get my executives to quit on me because I, own 52
19 percent of the company. And to basically force me out of my
20 own business because, obviously, the 'company is doing very
21 well. 'This just starts the level of deceit that has come
22 out of my counsel.
23 Not to mention that he wrote you a letter, Judge,
24 that he came down here to Florida to try to reconcile with
25 me. He did nothing of the sort. He came down here to try
26 to muzzle me
with an investor. And the investor on the
2 board of directors so that they could start taking over my
3 company. That was the result of the meeting.
4 And during that, prior to that meeting happening I
5 was assaulted in my vehicle
, which is completely documented
6 from the investors. And there is recorded testimony from
7 the investor that John assaulted me from the back seat of my
8 car while I was driving down a major thoroughfare in Florida
9 6 times in my face on the back seat with no other person in
10 the vehicle sitting next to me.
John decided not to sit
11 next to me in the car. He decided to sit behind me in the
12 car. And he basically tried to knock me but while I was
13 driving the vehicle down Rock Olive street in Miami with
14 people everywhere and cars everywhere.

15 THE COURT: Mr. Granville

16 MR, GRANVILLE: Judge, he was out or his mind.
17 That is someone who has 'never sent me anything. The only way
18 I get documents is to go see what is posted up on a web
19 site.

20 No ruling you have ever made was every sent to me
21 by Mr Snyder. None of Mr. Furst' s filings. I asked him to
22 get them to me. Prior to, from the coup attempt of my
23 company
to the SEC investigation that he basically stopped
24 working on. We were working with the SEC. I had to pick
25 back up on plaintiff's counsel as well as the plaintiffs
26 themselves The Sason brothers and their own entities which
2 are under Federal investigation from The SEC.
3 All of this transpires and looks to me 1ike just a
4 complete utter -- I have· to tell you, your Honor, the facts
5 are quite clear in this case. Magna Loan, we made all
6 respective payments on time. Magna said they would keep us
7 up to date. Magna put their grandfather on my board of
8 directors.
He was kind of making sure of an assurance that
9 they would follow through with that agreement.
10 We gave them a payoff notice. At the time the
11 collateral far exceeded the amount owed to Magna. Magna
12 refused to give us a pay-off notice and started dumping
13 shares and putting out fraudulent PRs about our company that
14 we didn't approve or have any knowledge of. There could
15 have been a default -- after we gave them the pay-off that
16 they did not come back to us with. Which means we said we
1'7 would paid off the loan which we have done in the past and
18 they refused to let us payoff the loan.
19 This case stinks. It stinks for a lack of
20 discovery that we have been given.· We have been blocked
21 from going after, so that we can get the training records.
22 They have blocked so many things that are, important
23 to this case, I don't ·even have time to go into right now.
24 To have my own lawyer turn against the company when
25 he has a contract, a contract to complete these legal
26 actions signed by me, with the contract in force and over $1
2 million. And for him to go against that contract and not
3 fulfill his obligations to the company is disheartening, as
4 well as all of the actions that he has done in this case are
5. disheartening, as well. And his lack of attention and lack
6 of, I don't know, in getting The Court to give us the things
7 that we need so that we can prove our case.
8 Your Honor, I have the most utmost respect for you
9 and your court. There are things that are out there that
10 are blatantly untrue and not of any substance. whatsoever.
11 But, I will tell you the things that do have
12 substance are the things that I mentioned to you earlier and
13 the investigation on counsel and Magna.
14 Everything, I repeat, every document is being sent
15 to them. Everything that is happening they are watching.
16 I want to say clear that I had a contract with
17 John. The reason why we did not go and get new counsel
18 already, because John says he wants to rescind the
19 agreement, give us back all of our shares.
And until that
20 happens I'm not going to continue to pay another attorney
21 until John has given back all of the payments that we had
22 made and all of the stuff that he has been given that he
23 said he would review in e-mail format.
24 Once that happens we will be happy to go find new
25 counsel. And we are hoping, hopefully, that· Mr. Furst will
26 find better counsel that will deliver the documents on time
2 at Mr. Furst's request.
3 Personally speaking, I like Mr. Furst. He is a
4 damn good lawyer. I wish I had him.

5 THE COURT: All right. Mr. Snyder, do you have
6 anything to say?
7 MR. SNYDER: Well, your Honor, there are things I
8 would like to say. But, I'm mindful that I'm under attorney
9 client privilege. And I'm also obligated to not prejudice
10 my client, Mr. Granville, or Yippy.
11 And so, what I'll say, based upon what Mr.
12 Granville said is I think it is clear that he and I and
13 Yippy are in an adverse relationship.
14 He has made some very serious charges against me,
15 which I won't comment on other than to say it demonstrates
16 we are adverse.
17 I'll be very, very careful about how I say this. I
18 don't have the level of· comfort that I reasonably need to
19 continue this representation to proceed with what I'll have
20 to do in this case. I think I don' t have to say anymore
21 than that:
22 THE COURT: All-right, very good

LOL!!! I just don't know WHERE to start on this hilarious babbling. It's too/to/2/two funny!

OK, I'll start gently. I love how Tiny Richard says that Mighty Magna put grandpa on the BOD, all the time while TR was CEO and a 50+ percent owner (70 percent at the time) of the voting common stock.

WAOW!! Magna must be very powerful to be able to put people on boards of directors in companies they have no voting control or management control of. That IS true power!

Parting shot: I love how TR assumes the judge has any idea who 'Patricia' is.

Tiny Richard is almost whacked from behind with an icepick, Harvard Law School-style - according to TR's story

What's next? TR claiming Snyder stole the lifts ~OUTTa his shoes?

This court transcript reads like something from Mad Magazine or a psychotic who is off his meds and rambling.