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12/05/16 10:31 PM

#21006 RE: nwsun #21005

Doesn't that analysis support that the share price only moves when its technically ready and that news isn't necessary for a move?


Since the MMs have such a tight control on the share price,

We are controlling the PPS with bid support in the lack of serious sellers in a low volume environment. At one point today I saw a B/A spread of 0.0001, be glad the MMs are doing something give us something to gnaw on. The whole month of December might go on like this. Tomorrow everybody is going to be sitting on the DMA(50) so the MMs may be occasionally poking it with a short stick.
Retail wants shares so the MMs are lending some. Oh, they can hold...I have seen as long a month go by before Gap Fill.


12/05/16 11:05 PM

#21008 RE: nwsun #21005

MMs do not "control" stocks. What you think is a Market Maker is actually financiers, promoters, insiders, traders, etc using them to represent their orders. MMs dont have the money or manpower needed to control thousands of stocks and they dont have access to inside info like news... On occasion an employee will get caught manipulating, but its not a widespread as you assume.

Some MMs/brokers are hired by large certificate holders to liquidate a position and in this case they will take a more active role in the trades because they are paid to, but otherwise most all trades are matched with computers. This is how you can get execution times that are so fast.

When people are claiming a market maker is manipulating a stock, its most always a financier pushing it down to maximize their conversions and/or liquidating a position. ""MM manipulation" is an EXCUSE pushed by financiers, promoters, insiders and pumpers to cover up for dilution, but time and time again it proves otherwise, as filings are released. Financiers are the biggest manipulators in pennyland. They have the most shares and are in a position to use some of their size to push a stock down and mazimize their future conversions. Or if they know a broker that is willing to short, they will push a stock down, then cover the short with discounted conversions... Financiers are usually the ones hiring promoters as well, so they can dump.

You assume news does not move a stock and fail to consider the countless other moving parts that go into penny stock movement/interest... The difference from one news event to another might be its level of dissemination, timing, and/or if OTHER hot penny stocks are stealing the markets attention on any given day. There are countless variables...

There is a very limited amount of $$$ moving around pennyland and thousands of small companies are competing for it everyday. Often, great news doesn't even get seen by a large number of people because interest is elsewhere on that day and without buyers, a stock cant appreciate.