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12/04/16 3:15 PM

#34914 RE: clearmont88 #34911

Otherwise - this is BS

You have already said five times that these texts don't exist. But I will humor myself and find that text and post it.

That would make Seth a liar

Seth is a liar, a pathological liar, and this character trait didn't start at TAUG. Sethie has gone through reasonably long periods of time where he could do nothing in the microcap area because of reputation.

By the way, another character trait that Sethie has is to hide and use legions of message board posters and people who visit stock trading blogs and private rooms to attack his enemies, real and imagined.

Mr. Berman told me that he would never allow Sethie anywhere near DECN, and came to this conclusion long before he got involved with TAUG, because Sethie was the "kiss of death." The figurative cemeteries are littered with the figurative bodies of those who thought they had careers in the brokerage and IB industries until they met Sethie.

I have researched Sethie closely. I have researched the depression med rumors, and the pill popping rumors. It's all out there. And who gets hurt the most? People who are new to the game and most gullible. Brokers and IBs looking for the next big score. New shareholders who cannot understand how the CEO can have such articulate enemies. Well its certainly easy to see.


12/04/16 3:32 PM

#34915 RE: clearmont88 #34911

Here is the first text referencing the $700,000.

Sethie (917) 796-9926 to Mr. Berman: "Tauriga got screwed royally. Without John Cesario Tauriga is bankrupt right now. Or forced to settle for a measly $700,000. Or something like that."

So is Sethie a liar? Fact is, the "something like that" is $200,000 which was offered at the February 2016 mediation. Cases like TAUG's are cookie cutter for an insurer. These cases are put on a chart and measured against the hundreds and thousands of similar cases. TAUG's case was, IMO a $400K case, perhaps $500K. The $250K is the correct number for the malpractice which was real. The remainder is reimbursement of fees Cowan collected from TAUG along the way and the cost (under duress) of TAUG's reauditing.

I said "was." That was before the Johnny Web Site, the on-going libel of Cowan, Mr. Meyler and the other Cowan partners, the letters to the State Board of Accountancy, and the Johnny stunt writing to the judge attempting (laughing out loud) to turn the TAUG case into a criminal case.

I say laughing out loud, because if the case was made into a criminal matter, there would be no collection from Cowan. They would either be guilty or not-guilty.