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12/02/16 9:44 AM

#413574 RE: pochemunyet #413573


We hear the world is coming to an end and all must sell and yet we are

not far from all time highs and going higher. They either have a agenda

or just hope they can cover their short. What company do you know that

has plenty of cash, pays a dividend, tons of back money owed which in

time they will collect. A leader in the up coming 5G technology and has

licensed M2M? IDCC is technically stronger than bear's breath. Throw in

hopefully a full tax cut to 15% and we have a huge stocks. Let the

shorts and sellers have at it and the buyers will just be saying thank

you. Money is to be made here and lots of it. I still think over the

next 5 years IDCC will out perform most every stock presently trading.
