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11/29/16 11:17 AM

#21638 RE: PoorRichard #21637

I think the leaks have stopped. Who doesn't want to see it. A few here know I get anxious too, I am one of them. You are right, the silence is hard and different from the way it was years ago. But I learned a while back that the company is simply not going to say anything to jeopardize this. I have been here (mostly) since 2007 myself. Any who try to make contact with the company gets the same professional short one sentence reply to questions asked at this point ... as we should. So we wait. It will be something to wake up to news that is different one day.

My guess is we have basically the next 2 1/2 weeks to see this develop. I don't think we will see anything after Friday Dec 16. So line your bets up between now and then. I have... The market has been burned many times before and won't believe it until they see it. That is why the low share price.

A prototype changes everything.... I can't wait to read that release.
