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11/24/16 10:06 AM

#119749 RE: 4sleddogs #119715



As I've stated in the past, SFOR has been Building itself up little bit by little bit over the years, as a small company and has Multiple Business Models to fit it's Customers needs, in the costs it charges Customers for it's various services by the amount of customers they have and usage. (See Waller's Interview below listed in References)
AND Deals with Deals with Sally Mae, Morgan Stanley, Comcast (though their OEM partnership with ID Vault)
(See MidnightShift Nov. 19th MAJOR DEALS REVEALED listed below in References)

Some of the Articles and Quotes in this MidnightShift post maybe Well Dated, but it gives the reader an Idea of How StrikeForce has built it's Deals and Partnerships as the Company has grown through the years. Far from all inclusive, but it may shed some valuable insight for those who want to take the time to read.

Happy Thanksgiving to all, as we have a lot to be thankful for in our lives and right here with finding this Investment.

I'm especially thankful to know all 3 companies were discussing Settlement Talks / Negotiations since early August. I hope nothing has changed since then and are still on going.

Since this is a Holiday Edition of MidnightShift, I'm not taking time to do spellcheck, etc.

StrikeForce's UK Distributor, CDISGroup Ltd.

“In just a few short months, Mike Lazenby, CEO of the CDISGroup and his team of security experts have implemented StrikeForce's patented ProtectID[R] Multi-Factor Out-of-Band Authentication and our GuardedID[R] Anti-Keylogging Keystroke Encryption products into many new and existing CDIS customers,” continues Kay, “multiple banks are now deploying GuardedID's Anti-Keylogger as part of a larger security bundle to protect the Banks customers. One of the world's largest Shopping Retailers is testing GuardedID for internal usage, with potential deployment to its client base of up to seven million users, and one of the most well-known Mortgage Lending institutions has commenced deploying it to protect their internal network from ambitious hackers.”

“Of all the Cyber Security solutions available to protect UK's businesses, Government Agencies, corporations and consumers, StrikeForce's products set-the-bar for Cyber Security solutions,” says Mike Lazenby, CEO of CDISGroup. “Their ProtectID[R] Multi-Factor Out-of-Band Authentication platform enables us to offer the most robust & secure authentication technology on the market. ProtectID was designed to enable CDIS to offer both a Cloud Authentication Service as well as On-Premise. StrikeForce's GuardedID[R] Anti-Keylogging Keystroke Encryption technology is in a league of its own, proactively encrypting each and every keystroke typed on a keyboard, that's genius! Being able to offer both, the industry's leading Out-of-Band Authentication platform along with the industry's leading anti-keylogging solution is a no brainer. If organizations had been using both of StrikeForce's two technologies to protect their networks, employees and customers over the last several years, almost every data breach could have been prevented. We are very excited to introduce these technologies to all of our existing and new potential customers.”

Article from Merida Banker on Bank Technology

For the more targeted attacks, the trend toward using two-factor authentication to protect against fraud will likely gain more traction among banks. For the smaller malware attacks, Mark Kay, CEO and chairman of mobile security firm StrikeForce Technologies, who also worked as a CIO at JPMorgan Chase for 20 years, says dual authentication and encrypting keystrokes to protect online activity from malware that's already been installed on a computer are two ways to mitigate external attacks in specific workstations, coordinated attacks on a number of devices or internal attacks. He also says the pressure is coming from more than just politically motivated hackers, and includes more traditional regulatory bodies. "The FFIEC and HIPAA[healthcare regs] are all moving toward greater authentication requirements. Tokens are not as secure as out of band authentication," says Kay, adding his firm has closed a deal to protect a major student loan originator and a Wall Street firm. Other firms in the authentication space include Microsoft, which recently acquired PhoneFactor; and Authentify.

Another American Banker Article

SolidPay uses the system to supplement software it developed in-house to determine the likelihood that a prospective customer is actually a con artist. If SolidPay's software is uncertain, the consumer is quizzed by the StrikeForce system.

And as I have Brought up before, as stated by Waller, in the 43 Minute INTERVIEW with WALLER from 2013

"one of our big partners is a company called Intersections and they have a product I guarantee you heard of, called Identity Guard."

Intersections has deals with some of biggest names in Financial Services.
Identity Guard Vs Lifelock Feb. 2016

Identity Guard of course has been singing this tune all along. While Lifelock probably has more brand recognition, Identity Guard from Intersections Inc. has been successfully fighting identity theft for more than 18 years and for some of the biggest names in financial services.

MidnightShift Nov. 8th 43 Minute INTERVIEW with WALLER from 2013

Deals with Sally Mae, Morgan Stanley, Comcast (though their OEM partnership with ID Vault)
MidnightShift Nov. 19th MAJOR DEALS REVEALED