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11/19/16 1:42 PM

#118582 RE: ~Nautical~ #118564

You Can Take Care Of SFOR's Infringers

Great Post Minuteman-MX

_________Protecting Your A$$ 24/7, Whether You Appricate It Or Not

Previous test launches of the Minuteman III ICBM nuclear missile
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11/19/16 4:51 PM

#118620 RE: ~Nautical~ #118564

Why do you say goldmine. Doesn't sound like a gold mine from the meeting. Maybe couple cents sometime next year. But im pretty sure we will not be seeing a penny this year. Im very disappointed in the third quarter revenue only 44 percent increase. I dont even understand how that can be. Second quarter not in target or office max they started selling in target stores at beginning of third quarter and office max and a whole lot more in online stores. And products during third quarter were pumped big time by investors on this board alone. If revenue was 183 thousand dollars than that means atleast one percent of that revenue came in direct result because of me about near ten thousand dollars. And I know alot of you pumped the products to your acquaintances. Honestly I would have thought revenue just from this board alone would have been around 200 thousand dollars. They only sold like 107 thousand dollars worth the other came from deal they have with ACS 75 thousand dollars. Wow unreal. Um you know how much revenue they made from me alone this quarter zero did not push the product at all since late September. I can also assume from following this board alot of you didnt try to push product this quarter. Also nothing new was added during this quarter
No staple stores, no commercials no new advertisements and no contracts. So using just factual data and plain logic I can come up with a conclusion. The last quarter has no chance of seeing more revenue than the third absolutely zero chance and that is with it being the holiday season. I predict with certainty zero increases in revenue only because holiday season. First quarter of 2017 90 percent certainty I say atleast 50 percent decrease in revenue from the last quarter of this year. Actually think it will be more but want to be generous with my predictions. Second quarter of 2017 they will be lucky to see revenue of 30 thousand dollars unless of course the carrot of lisencing deals comes to be true but after atleast five years come on give it up already. Why would any company buy any product from them or use there ooba technology when they can get it from centrify Trustwave Duo microsoft apple or who ever else infringed. I mean msft is making billions off our product not before but lol after the settlement. We get nothing out of that except that penny they threw at us (ten million) and than laughed. What happened with the msft settlement has ruined this company completely. That set an eternal precedant that either our patent is complete garbage or that our leadership team are complete morons that basically sold the patents to microsoft. Nothing else no other options sorry just watch. Now these three or any other infringer would have to be braindead to settle for anything more than one or two million dollars when the biggest gaint gave them only ten million dollars WWWHHHHHAAAAAATT? If microsoft is still using there pantents without giving us anything from there profits lol. A one billion dollar settlement would have been stupid more like billions. But ten million dollars that is a precedent we do not want to have. Jmho glta.