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03/14/17 11:58 PM

#167229 RE: Yoraces #167197

Hello, Yoraces: Yes, I am still here, still holding on to my 1,000,664 shares of SRGE stock. And I will continue to do so, until such a time as we either all get blessed financially, or until the fat lady INDUBITABLY SINGS her dirge! CALIFORNIA OR BUST FOR ME, is what I made up my mind to do a long time ago! GLTA! who are still holding on to their SRGE shares, the which shares of common stock, BTW, have never been delisted, nor similarly denied any value at all! Therefore, VIVA TO THE ACTUAL SRGE SHARE HOLDERS OF THE ACTUAL SRGE COMMON STOCK! AND PLEASE NOTE that I DO NOT INCLUDE ANY MAJOR OR MINOR SHORTING INTERESTS, WHETHER LEGAL OR NAKED, IN THAT ''VIVA!''! AND MOST ESPECIALLY, I DO NOT INCLUDE ANY naked shorting interests in that VIVA!!
