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11/18/16 1:26 PM

#266 RE: jjjstockwiz #265

Hello, Wiz dude!! In passing, you sure picked the eventual outcome of XLIT! Where, just today, I posted the FINAL POST for that piece-of-you-know-what 'company'! (I.e., I couldn't let Rawman get-in the last post there. Even he is now trashing it big time.)

Regarding NEXS, yesterday, it dropped-down to circa $0.27 --- well on its way to precisely where you say it's headed. And, yes indeed, it was surprising how quickly TC pulled-the-plug on it. Hey! Olde TC could have ridden with that old line:

"This may be the last time you can buy NEXS
below $0.30 --- excuse us, below $0.20 ---
excuse us, below $0.10!" (And so on.)

I think you get the point! Still, though, Wizzy, toss a grand at it at circa $0.10 --- and then HOPE for circa 10-years! Myself?? Well, I need a pill to GAIN weight!