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11/17/16 1:23 PM

#358065 RE: BeverlyH #358059

Holy molly andy. The principal and nanosux COMPLETELY stiffed Long Side. Never made a single payment.

Although plenty of people on here claimed nanosux was paying all along.

More will be coming forth.

I'm checking Nevada SOS almost hourly for the BK announcement.

Nanosux may have a slim chance at delaying this with their slippery lawyer games, but unless the principal digs into his own pocket for cash, nanosux could be gone soon.


11/17/16 4:43 PM

#358075 RE: BeverlyH #358059

Outerwebz frantic to suppress Long Side judgement

Hysterical. It's like the "Fight Club" mantra - no one shall speak of it - just frantic instantaneous deletions. Interesting, as the court-award enforcement judgements - while detrimental to NTEK - none-the-less represent vital, timely and critical relevant information.

Spinning the info is one thing, denying the existence of 100% factual court documentation is entirely another.

The Long Side Ventures judgement is arguably the most important and telling information regarding the company and its financial woes since the reverse split announcement - and everyone remembers how frantic the outerwebz were to deny the existence of that vital shareholder DD as well.

I'll be adding the K2 enforcement judgement information here as soon as that case is ruled tomorrow morning and updated on the California court websites.

Crazy Money

11/18/16 9:39 PM

#358115 RE: BeverlyH #358059

LONG SIDE never got paid in daflo ;-)


11/22/16 4:38 PM

#358194 RE: BeverlyH #358059

Long Side Gets $65K More For Legal Fees.

Adding to the considerable pain inflicted on NTEK by the judge who enforced all the judgements against NTEK, Long Side just filed their accounting of legal fees NTEK now has to also reimburse, as previously order by the judge in the enforcement ruling.


11/22/16 11:49 PM

#358201 RE: BeverlyH #358059

Excellent DD !!!


12/01/16 9:56 AM

#358437 RE: BeverlyH #358059


It appears the entire judgement amount K2 was seeking in the enforcement judgement against NTEK was granted by the courts. Interesting to note that both parties agreed that no payments had been made and that NTEK didn't even attempt to oppose the motion.

Interesting note about bank accounts already being included in the ruling, eh?