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11/10/16 7:26 PM

#261013 RE: janice shell #260999

Everybody takes money from Wall Street.

That is not true for "everybody." But Wall Street has always been a major source of income and contribution for HRC which was significant in stockpiling her and Bill's fortune. And speaking of Bill... I think he was an added albatross in her campaign. He needs to take some blame for her failed run - not only for his airport gaff and dissing the ACA, but also for planting NAFTA in our economy, his China trade deal and Wall Street deregulation.
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11/10/16 9:05 PM

#261074 RE: janice shell #260999

Hillary Clinton is her own worst enemy...she insists on being secretive, whether it's with keeping her email server at home to getting big $$$ for speeches to GS/WS banks and when she became a candidate, refusing to release the transcripts to show she didn't promise WS anything when/if she got into the oval, as if WS gives away big $$$ and doesn't expect something in return...again playing into the narrative that she an't be trusted.

The Dem party has a massive chore - they have to find candidates the voters trust and can relate to voters. The Clintons have had a stranglehold on the Dem party for almost 25 years, shutting out anyone who thought about running for president and those who did, like Bernie Sanders, were swiftly taken care of by the Clinton's DNC.
That said, I got an email today from Congressman Seth Moulton, D-MA, promoting a Veterans Day program...he's a veteran and a young bright guy, someone the Dem party should be cultivating. There probably are more, male and female, but until the Clintons get off the stage, nobody will get attention.
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11/13/16 3:44 PM

#261310 RE: janice shell #260999

7 Reasons Donald Trump Won The Presidential Election

.. about enough of going back over the whys, but on seeing this one which looks to cover most all of
it i remembered your chat back here and got stuck on finding it .. only took about a half hour .. lol

November 12, 20165:03 PM ET

Domenico Montanaro


7. Clinton forgot how she campaigned in 2000.

Overall, the reason Trump won was because he flipped big margins with white, working class voters in the Midwest and Pennsylvania — something that was always a possibility.

Trump spoke to these voters — whether it was on policy with how he blew up the Republican message on trade and Clinton's ties to the establishment and pro-globalist agenda; or his fueling white resentments and racial bias; and there was likely some degree of sexism that played a role. That's something that's difficult to measure, though there will likely be dissertations written about it.

But Clinton made her mistakes with this group — calling half of Trump supporters "deplorables" likely fired up these exact kinds of voters, for example.

The late-in-the-campaign letter from FBI Director James Comey about Clinton's emails likely also played a role, reinforcing a narrative about her as untrustworthy especially with voters who were prone to believe the worst about her.

In the end, though, Clinton allowed the caricature created of her to become cemented. It's actually surprising considering how she campaigned for her 2000 Senate seat. Back then, she took on the caricatures of her as a carpetbagger who didn't deserve it by meeting and talking with voters in upstate New York. Some questioned that strategy given New York City and the suburbs have such big populations and generally determine the outcome of statewide races. (Sound familiar?)

Clinton, though, worked hard and won many of them over — and easily won the Senate seat.

She never did that this time. It was something she promised she would do at the outset of this campaign, but it was never attempted during the general election when she was against Trump. Instead, she was largely absent from the campaign trail for most of August, staying out of the news, as Trump was steeped in controversy. That turned out to be a mistake.

She never created an affirmative message about her candidacy. "Stronger Together" was reactive to Trump. And she took for granted what used to be a critical piece of the Democratic coalition. It's ironic that instead of courting these voters to solidify the Blue Wall, she spent a lot of time courting Republicans. But the Republicans who would be open to her message would be metropolitan globalists, and it's the very type of message that appeals to them that would turn off populist, blue-collar Democrats.

A rural Pennsylvania, Michigan or Wisconsin tour might not have reversed this 36-year trend away from Democrats, but given how extraordinarily close all three states turned out to be, Clinton likely would have reduced the margins enough to win.

Of course, that's not what happened.

Much more ..

.. i hope there aren't any more up-in-the-air fights over the election result ..