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11/10/16 10:26 AM

#45534 RE: PEACHMAN #45531

Tell this to Walther.

make the penny world a better place with facts and information and due diligence about the company.

And he'll no doubt ignore you. Or tell you to LEAVE IF THE FINANCIALS IS ESSENTIAL TO YOU.

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11/10/16 4:32 PM

#45563 RE: PEACHMAN #45531

One does not, "... make the penny world a better place ...", by urging people to buy the stock of a stock whose CEO has not published reliable & verifiable financial or operational info in 6 -7 years. That allows far too much leeway for shenanigans.

Case in pont? Every day for two years Marc Walthers and his insiders told shareholders and the investing public that sales were great and busineess was robust!! Yet, when the court forced him yo tell the truth, it turned out the company averaged only 41 CENTS per day in revenue!!

Everyday we were told not to worry about reports. The company mantra was reports weren't required and they weren't important. We were all supposed to rely on those pretty pictures on the Company's "Farcebook" page that showed loaded trucks and machines and selfie after selfie with little dirt piles carefully scattered about. Never mind proof of anything ... just trust the CEO with a bad history and his chummy pals. LOLOLOL

Seems to me that Slojab has a pretty firm handle on this company.

make the penny world a better place