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11/06/16 9:00 PM

#20812 RE: Bill_ENG #20808

Apparently again here we go lol. I neevr stated those companies and NEAH are working together I state those companies are working on integrating NEAHS tech into their own. Whats so hard about that is the Doc helping out the Lab enhance what they already have???

I mean since we are on Liqud image lets look at it shall we they state they will test and further it if successful ask your self this to answer your own rant. All those companies they made agreements with etc. How many have made updates??? The lab what about their updates??? HEck even Liquid image how many updates?????? Exactly as I have stated before thats the nature of projects when testing etc. (not all the times but sometimes things come into play what idk could be NDA's could be constraints that keep the testing going slow etc.). As in my example with Nintendo agreeing with a company 3 years ago to make a product not much update since then with no real product yet, they did give time frame of next year for their to be and since no news of it falling through one would expect such to still be on.

The point is if Liquid image hasn't said anything yet when they sat there and told you if successful they will order more then dont you think that maybe just maybe IDK they are still testing and will update when ready??? Especially if the tests were unsuccessful... I mean you guys act like The Docs got some rule over these companies to where not only the Doc stays silent but other companies stay silent just so the Doc can continue to exploit all of these companies to further his Grand Scheme of Give me The Money LMFAO. I mean Doc must have some real good powers not only can he fool companies now he has the power to fool governmen agencies and lie on applications for what he wants funds for, then advances and wins the grant which obvioulsy had the DoE look into the product that allowed them to come to the determination that the somehow "Mysterious once achieved product that can no longer be replicated product" is good enough to win a grant to be fund to advance further LMFAO hahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhaha-LMFAO-till-infinity.. you guys are funny

All this should do is reinforce what I have been saying all this time TESTING TAKES TIME... My goodness for the last time you guys think when ever a company agrees to something you expect everything to happen overnight lol Stuff takes time. Again as evident by the Labs time frame for their own testing etc.. lol Though I doubt they will use the full year.
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11/09/16 11:16 PM

#20820 RE: Bill_ENG #20808

Apparently again here we go lol. I never stated those companies and NEAH are working together I state those companies are working on integrating NEAHS tech into their own. Whats so hard about that is the Doc helping out the Lab enhance what they already have???

I mean since we are on Liqud image lets look at it shall we they state they will test and further it if successful ask your self this to answer your own rant. All those companies they made agreements with etc. How many have made updates??? The lab what about their updates??? HEck even Liquid image how many updates?????? Exactly as I have stated before thats the nature of projects when testing etc. (not all the times but sometimes things come into play what idk could be NDA's could be constraints that keep the testing going slow etc.). As in my example with Nintendo agreeing with a company 3 years ago to make a product not much update since then with no real product yet, they did give time frame of next year for their to be and since no news of it falling through one would expect such to still be on.

The point is if Liquid image hasn't said anything yet when they sat there and told you if successful they will order more then dont you think that maybe just maybe IDK they are still testing and will update when ready??? Especially if the tests were unsuccessful... I mean you guys act like The Docs got some rule over these companies to where not only the Doc stays silent but other companies stay silent just so the Doc can continue to exploit all of these companies to further his Grand Scheme of Give me The Money. I mean Doc must have some real good powers not only can he fool companies now he has the power to fool government agencies and lie on applications for what he wants funds for, then advances and wins the grant which obviously had the DoE look into the product that allowed them to come to the determination that the somehow "Mysterious once achieved product that can no longer be replicated again" is good enough to win a grant to be funded for a Lab to advance further what they canot reproduce, its funny.

All this should do is reinforce what I have been saying all this time TESTING TAKES TIME... My goodness for the last time you guys think when ever a company agrees to something you expect everything to happen overnight lol Stuff takes time. Again as evident by the Labs time frame for their own testing etc.. lol Though I doubt they will use the full year.