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11/04/16 2:10 AM

#2859 RE: Strummer7 #2853

Thanks for sharing your story with me

I have not sold a single share unless it is to buy another share of a SALAMI

No temptation to cash out before the election because that doesn't make any sense to me

As to the anxiety you feel about holding stocks after big gains...

I feel it, too, sometimes... though not very often with THE GRAND SALAMI

Anxiety is an important emotion in the stock game

It is important to differentiate btwn anxiety about a particular stock itself vs anxiety about sitting on bigtime profits and not selling

Here are a few things that I think about when I feel any anxiety about sitting on such massive gains without selling

If I listened to my anxiety before, how much money would I have missed out on?

Look at the charts...

They are the picture of future gains... increasing volume on a weekly basis, big green volume and low red volume, majority of days are green, able to string four, five, six and seven green days in a row, consistently setting new highs on a weekly basis, able to achieve massive daily gains of thirty, fourty percent or more

Watch how these stocks trade intraday... always strong buying support... MMs shorting to control the rallies... big bid sizes

And most importantly, why am I waiting until sometime after the elections?

Because I believe the influx of new buyers after the election will make current volumes look paltry and current price movements look sluggish

And why will there be so many new buyers?

Because of media attention increasing awareness in those who are currently unaware, and in those who are currently aware, the media attention can be the catalyst to action -- to buy pot stocks

Media attention about the cannabis election results but also media attention about how amazing the pot stocks are doing

People will think -- the pot economy is going to be huge.... CALIFORNIA being legal will force Congress to reschedule, banks to open up, investor interest to increase in the pot sector -- people want in on the ground floor of an enormous industry, people will think pot will be federally legal within a few years

Massachusetts going legal causes people to think it will spread throughout the Northeast states quickly, the metropolis, huge population centers, ground zero of the financial world (NYC)

Massachusetts makes it a bicoastal story -- tons of news media and journalists in the northeast as well...

And word of mouth will also be a big reason why people decide to buy pot stocks... family members tell other family members, friends tell friends

And where will they come from?
The U.S. but also lots of international buyers as CALIFORNIA voting MJ rec legal is a global news story

Everybody is going to be looking to make big money in pot stocks

The buyers AFTER the election will vastly outnumber the buyers before the election and will vastly out number any sellers who exit their positions

The stocks will have nowhere to go but UP UP UP

They won't have a choice

Small supply of shares PLUS crazy buying demand equals skyrocketing stock prices

And the new buyers will choose THE GRAND SALAMI, just as the first time buyers who decided to buy before the election have chosen THE GRAND SALAMI

All of these things are very obvious to me and things which I feel very confident about... I am quite perplexed why there are people out there who don't see it this way... people who make terrible comparisons to previous catalysts that bear no resemblance to the uniqueness of these elections and the uniqueness of the ramifications of these elections

Too many people seem to oversimplify everything or just don't have the brainpower or vision to accurately predict the tidal wave of buying we will see after the election in THE GRAND SALAMI

But that's not my problem...