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11/04/16 7:49 AM

#2867 RE: sleekscape #2859

Sleek, I am in mid forties from Massachusetts. First time IHub poster....first post, in fact. No reply necessary, but wanted to add some thoughts.

I got into pot stocks back in 2013-2014 on the advice of a newsletter. Got crushed, and got out. The newsletter starting pushing them back in April of this year and I got back in. I have a basket full of different ones, but none of them were your recs. In fact, your stocks are not mentioned much anywhere, even on other boards. Someone did post a link for your board on a different board and I read it and invested a week or so ago. The newsletter picks have done very well since April, but nothing like your picks in the Dolly-Lama-Grand-Salama portfolio!!!!! I searched for other pot stocks to invest in and have a handful of 15-20 or so that I put roughly an equal amount into to create my own mutual fund of pot stocks, if you will. A reasonably small amount to start in each, around $1,000, so small time in comparisson to some you all.

I mention my age and State so there is some background into what I am about to say. Massachsuetts is voting on Tuesday to legalize or not, and I have not heard one iota from anyone that I run into about the vote, pot in general, or investing in pot. NOTHING!!!!! No debates, no water cooler banter, no investment advice requests, no tv or radio commercials, NOTHING!!!! Seems very strange, and could be very bad or very good. Very bad in that there just is no interest amongst the folks I run into, and I run into alot of people as my work brings me to many different customers every day. Very good in that there is alot of new people out there and money on the sidelines that could be the catalyst for major advances in share price. I too was a child of the internet investment wave and noticed that this is exactly how it started out. At first, no one was talking about investing in internet stocks, wondering only how they were going to make money. Then the internet stocks posted fantastic gains and suddenly everyone from 10 years old to 90 years old wanted to get in and were talking about it over breakfast and dinner. Not until then did weak companies start getting rooted out and the best ones stick around.

I think we are in the early stage of investment where the best gains are to made. My newsletter calls it being upstream from the herd. Until we start seeing and hearing pot stocks being talked about in every corner of the media, and every corner of our personal and profession lives, we are in good shape. Except, of course, if the votes turn out negative and we have to wait for another election.

However, there is one major difference between the internet stocks and pot stocks. Most every internet stock that came about IPOed in a main market and thus was considered a "valid" company. With pot, most are OTC or very small cap, and very hard to legitimize to the mainstream public. With internet, there were clear big boys, like AOL, Amazon, Yahoo, Cisco, CMGI, etc... With pot, in the public's eyes, there are no clear cut big companies and it is very hard to discern where to put your money. The biggest and the one that gets the most mention is a wanna-be pharma company, GWPH. Somehow, there needs to be some companies that step up and are considered "legitimate". So I believe we are in an even earlier life cycle stage than what the internets are in.

While your pics have done extremely well, again, I have heard nothing about them anywhere except a few mentions on other boards. You/we are drinking well upstream of the herd my friend, and I look forward to watching these mature. Many thanks for your efforts.

P.S. After reading your threads, reviewing your history, and watching your gains, I decided to increase my investment into the Three Horsemen yesterday on the dips and they now are the controlling interest in my pot portfolio.


11/04/16 7:56 AM

#2868 RE: sleekscape #2859

Great Insight $leek. As always. Those thoughts are exactly why i purchased the Salami stocks. Knowing that we the Salami soldiers are only a small percentage of the people that will flock to these stocks post election is what makes it mentally easier to hold when big gains have already been achieved. Your insight and stories are definitely reassuring and i appreciate you sharing them. Here's to another green Friday. Go Salami


11/04/16 10:53 AM

#2905 RE: sleekscape #2859

Sleek, do you recommend I stay diversified within the sector buy investing across the marijuana micro caps like AGTK HEMP ICBU EFFI ERBB or should I sell those off today to buy some salami on the dip?