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11/03/16 3:29 PM

#41749 RE: mcsharkey #41748

For those that are holding long term, this dip means nothing except a buying opportunity. Actual dollar loss yesterday to today is total volume traded today multiplied by delta in price (very rough estimate). Which is less than $50,000. For me there is no loss as I'm not selling


11/03/16 3:42 PM

#41750 RE: mcsharkey #41748

The magnitude of manipulation for me always has been proof there are big stakes involved. That retail isn't of any substancial value feels downright wrong but hey......Mostly i feel screwed by my own inability to have profited enough from all the BS...
You all know my utter bullish sentiment and tendency to sketch all kinda kickass possible markets and futures. I can't believe more than I already do and continue to do so. Buying where and when I can.