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11/03/16 1:03 PM

#96326 RE: VeronicaFox #96323

Yes I read old tweets and shareholder ask 2 times for share structure an d no answer. They say it come end of October but still no. I ask and they say its after US election. I ask what election has to do with TPAC share structure and IR gets huffed. They ly to me and say they never said they give SS numbers till after election but its in tweets on TPACMuse that they give them at the end of October.

I now they bad guy and blocked so I not know what go on in TPAC and have shares. They removed me from the email so I not able to see trading or get updates like other shareholders.


11/03/16 1:07 PM

#96329 RE: VeronicaFox #96323

We should start a club of people and shareholders that TpacRuse has insulted, attacked, blocked and removed from email list. It would be a large club, I think. lol!!

Unless you lick their boots and express your undying gratitude for their continued ambiguity and promises/plans that never end up being executed, you aren't in THEIR exclusive super-duper secret club. So, why not have our own? :-)

You should see their attack dogs going after me via twitter. It is quite aMUSEing. :-)