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08/12/06 6:39 PM

#81445 RE: Mattu #81444

Matt, I am amazed, you CAN actually give a straight, forward answer. Of course, if I insist in asking more questions you will be equally honest and direct, right?

If you don't feel like restoring my posting privileges, why keep my account active? Does it satisfy your deep ego knowing that you can hurt someone with your totalitarian and arbitrary attitude?

PS. I still believe your parents were not wrong when they decided to name you after the first Gospel writers.


08/13/06 5:48 PM

#81450 RE: Mattu #81444


Will you stop protecting those babies on the "inner circle" board or what? You have a group of a fewinbreds there and no increase in "eyes" on that board since they started inhabiting it. Are you in business or are you a nurse taking care of the sick in that hospice?

You still haven't told me what I did.

I know why:

I did nothing to be suspended. You are just sucking up to a paying idiot.

If you are not going to reinstate me, just wipe out the account. Don't be a chicken.

Do it, if you really think you are right.

C'mon, act your age. This is high school stuff you're doing. Stand up.

Would you be able to look me in the eye standing in front of me and tell me I did something wrong?

If you CAN answer that question honestly, you'll know what to do.

I don't suck up to anyone.


They are watching.


08/14/06 8:27 PM

#81485 RE: Mattu #81444

I'll quote form the board headers:

Q: Should I send you a private msg to discuss this? Why are you ignoring me?
A: No, post on this board to me. All discussions/negotiations need to be done publicly.

I'm still waiting for you to show up.

Q: Do you warn before you suspend people?
A: No, it's probably obvious what you got suspended for. If not, ask on the board.

Ask whom? How?

Q: What if I think you are wrong about suspending me?
A: I'm rarely wrong, but you are welcome to challenge me.

You are hereby CHALLENGED!

What have you got?


08/15/06 12:23 AM

#81489 RE: Mattu #81444

Matt and Dave, did you guys notice that my spam-post remains UP at the CSHD-board while the two potty-mouth-posts i was objecting to are down for the count? And I AM in jail??? What, may i ask, was the penalty you guys dished out to the potty-mouth-pumper-mod, "oilstrike", that not only authored the potty-posts i objected to (now deleted), but was deleting my every objection? Did you two consistent dudes send him a nasty letter? lol

(ref. and the potty-mouth-post #'s 40105 & 40237; now both deleted)

Anyway while you're sorting out that blaring INCONSISTENCY above, may i also ask what i might have posted below that was worse than the response post remaining UP, as my post was taken down (likely by the same potty-mouth-mod, oilstrike)?

And while you're sorting the above two INCONSISTENCIES out, may i ask why this separate personal-attack-post was not deleted?

But i do have a major problem that supercedes those BLARING INCONSISTENCIES cited above, my premium-tools are down, I will make request at this time to have them re-activated asap? tia