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Do Due Dilligence

10/25/16 6:59 AM

#80533 RE: Rkmatters #80524

It is stupid to trust him though, he said the same thing about last cash raises covered with warrants and the price still skyrocketed more than doubling from offering prices at 35 cents.
He told us it would go BK but here we are heading toward trial completion and it was really stupid to believe him anyway.
If he was really a usefull tool he would have warned about about Cognate plan acceptation by Nasdaq, he would have warned us that DCVax Direct updates would be very impressive so we could bet the farm at all time low and I doubt very much we will be able to see these low prices anymore now that we know we are very close to primary endpoint, though 50 cents is still a big bargain.
Technical analysis tells us it is bottoming, I would rather trust that and the impressive clinical data than someone that has not been able to predict all the good news we witnessed in September.