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01/17/17 8:24 AM

#15067 RE: lesgetrich #13902

great analysis lesgetrich

nothing Malecon offers is unique, they have been done by CVS, Walgreens, and host of other companies. Including the Pill Pack, which is being done by ...

and has been in operations for years

so nothing you posted below is unique to Malecon...they have one brick and mortar location at least when you wrote this and that's a 100% fact.

they are surrounded by Walgreens and CVS who all use to a bunch of the specialty services until they found many of them unprofitable and have since moved on to newer technological programs to improve customer experience.


here's an excerpt of my resposne to les - do your own DD


I challenge you to find these things covered by Wallgreens or CVS.

challenge accepted:

1. here's walgreens going central fill natioanlly back in 2009

since then, they've recently announced closure of central fill/cpo offices and are moving towards a new model in partnership with alliance boots.

this is actually way better than anything malecon is doing to service elderly and other patients.

2. here's CVS doing the same thing specifically central fill

3. the only thing that you mentioned that i'm not certain walgreens or cvs does is central pack and that's a cool thing, it's not going to propel malecon . And they aren't the only people doing it, PillPack ahs been doing it for the last 2-3 years

funny it's called Malecon pack, as they totally ripped off pill pack. Then again, it's not called a "Malecon pack" as I'm pretty sure you made up that term nor do they admit to having this on their website.

So again there's nothing remotely interesting about a brick and mortar store doing the samething everyone else is doing but in the armpit of miami.

4. again they have 1 freaking brick and mortar store and that's it. big dreams on your part, but no evidence at all of anything that will put this into a money making stock.