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Do Due Dilligence

10/21/16 1:42 PM

#80087 RE: exwannabe #80084

26m shares cancelled thanks to MFN news + those bought in October 2015 that you think will get cancelled (not sure it is legally possible) , if my math is correct that is not a net loss as less shares have been issued.
We are also moving very close to primary endpoint with a tens of billions valuation at stake if successful.
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10/21/16 1:45 PM

#80088 RE: exwannabe #80084

Another few weeks not even Linda thought the PFS 248 would take this long to hit....

CPXX 1 dollar to 8 dollars to 15 dollars to buyout at 30 dollars in a couple weeks of PIII data update...

Tic Toc
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10/21/16 2:24 PM

#80098 RE: exwannabe #80084

And yet, just because it has been used in different, relatively recent financings, it doesn't mean it is incorrect. They have been delayed. Yet clearly they could have, at any set moment, raised more, as your post clearly indicates they have no problem, each round, raising what they need. Yes, this time they raised at a slight discount, but no warrants. Previously the discount included warrants as well, and as some have pointed out, the warrants allow for investors to get both, sell the shares immediately and hang onto the warrants - and they may even short when they buy, to get their cash back asap.

This time it is ONE institutional investor, which is a strong suggestion, I think, about what that investor's intentions likely are here, at this time.

We know from recent press releases, that things are coming to a head. Whether it's next month, or the month after, or there is a delay, it's what it is, but it's not a deal killer. They are showing respect to shareholders, including themselves, by raising in dribs and drabs, minimizing dilution, as much as possible, and looking to finalize and execute the best deal possible at the moment of revelation - assuming that they get to that point. End of story.

Trying to dramatize disaster, when there is none to be seen, at this moment, is the job of shorts. I recognize that is the reality. It's how you pay your rent money. You're usually living hand to mouth, or you're a tiny hedge fund trader, trying to hit a return target, to keep your job. Whatever the case, I don't take such desperate noise to sow fear seriously. I do look for great points to buy cheaply, exciting opportunities. Not every opportunity will hit, and when they don't, downside is limited. Speaking from experience, I'm pretty careful and I haven't lost yet on a long-term play, though I do take tax losses from time to time, on profits. When my stocks hit, because I pick them very carefully, the upside has a huge potential range to travel, even with the occasional buyout. I can be disappointed if the shorting has been a prologue to a buyout, which can happen, but it hasn't killed me yet. Thank you very much....

$5M obviously does not run trials.

Hell, they took an additional $3.75M new AP to Cognate 2 days ago. So they netted a bit over $1M this week. They are still running on fumes even with the new cash.

And that does not count the totally unknown liability they took on by assuming Adar Bays loan from Cognate.

The "it's so small they must have good news soon" argument has been used here on the last 6 financings.