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just Scottie

10/20/16 3:00 PM

#110283 RE: ~Nautical~ #110280

Yes for those of us in after the last split have a great opportunity. Unfortunately RS'S are a reality in the sub penny world, I feel bad for those in before but I have gotten nailed in them previously.I personally think there have been changes made to management which will be revealed. They are very active on Twitter with several employees which I follow. The business is still active and moving along I think. They have been up for several awards now this year so good luck to those here taking a chance.


10/20/16 4:06 PM

#110286 RE: ~Nautical~ #110280

Ah but this will be their 4th go round of attempting to NOT be a lotto play. Since they learned nothing from the first 3 times I highly doubt there will be a miraculous recovery this time.