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10/17/16 12:02 PM

#763 RE: DFF #762

Excerpt from a Wikipedia article :

Pope Benedict XVI has publicly re-emphasized the Catholic Church's opposition to in vitro fertilization (IVF), claiming it replaces love between a husband and wife. In addition, the church opposes IVF because it might cause disposal of embryos; Catholics believe an embryo is an individual with a soul who must be treated as a such.


10/17/16 12:28 PM

#765 RE: DFF #762

Religious demographic not a factor?

I'm not even sure how you can say that. The definition of IVF is fertilization that takes place in the lab. GIFT came about as a way to address that issue since some have religious objections to conception taking place outside the body.

With GIFT the egg and sperm are combined and injected directly into the fallopian tube with the hope that conception takes place in the body, not in a lab.

This is the same benefit of the INVOcell with a much lower cost. They refer to it as fertilization occurring in vivo, inside the woman.

It is definitely a major factor for those couples which have those same concerns. As INVO Bio has stated, it gives the couple a greater feeling of being more directly involved in the process.