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10/15/16 12:51 AM

#257961 RE: StephanieVanbryce #257876

Some 18/22 years Republican Congress, yet blame Democrats for (paraphrase Trump) taking America from a great nation
to 'down the drain' terrible. 18/22 C-Republican, yet blame Democrats for making it so tough for ordinary citizens to survive.

You're right.

Have Democrats Controlled Congress The Past 22 Years?

By Democrat in the South
Saturday May 07, 2016 · 2:20 AM AUSEDT

6 Comments (6 New)

This isn’t a story. It’s just something I think about often..

Since 1994 is it?, republicans have controlled Congress 18 out of almost 22 years. Democrats had total control of Congress, Senate and the White House 2 of those years. And Democrats had a filibuster proof majority (which means republicans didn’t have the power to stop their agenda) maybe 2 months out of all those years. And that is if they could wheel in Ted Kennedy from his dying bed to vote for something very important. And that is if I understand parliamentary rules correctly and didn’t leave out anything…

Yet republicans have claimed all that time that it’s Democrats who have ruined our country with their spend-a-holic ways and helping the poor too much..

As I understand it, no one but Congress can make and set Government spending. I also understand that only Congress can make laws. Everything begins in Congress I’m told..

It’s been republicans in Congress who have had the power for decades to “make trump’s America great”. Yet republicans in Congress chose to “make America great” for just a a few billionaires.

All the republican voters who don’t have a pot to pee in, who decade after decade vote against themselves, are so ignorant that they don’t even know it’s all the regressive and oppressive republican policies that are making life hard for them. Yet they believe republicans when republican politicians claim it’s the Democrats that caused the economic mess republican ideology brought that Dems haven’t been able to undo (because of that thing called “math). It was a republican Congress that approved and passed NAFTA?

All trump wants is to make America racist again. To bring racism back out from under the rocks…because as long as you think “other people” are out to get you, your tax money and your jobs, you won’t notice who is actually stealing all that from you, your republican politicians and some Democrats who vote with them to do it.

Why aren’t Democrats like Hillary using that tool of how long republicans have controlled spending and lawmaking, to beat republicans over the head with daily? If, as republicans like to say, “we’re broke”, who had control of spending all that time? republicans did. America wasn’t “broke/in debt” until Reagan (a republican if anyone forgot) gave us permanent debt.

Hillary should be screaming every day how it was her husband (a Democrat if anyone forgot) who had the budget balanced (by the end of his Presidency) and set to pay off the debt by 2010...until the “fiscal conservatives” my ass got power and spent money like there was no tomorrow...all the while blaming their spending on Democrats!

republicans have had the power to make America great for all for decades. Do the racists in America who support trump think America will be better with a republican racist in the White House supported by a republican (mostly racist) Congress? I guess they do.

I thought when you ran for President, your job was to be President of ALL the people. Not just the ones you prefer.

And when you compare that half black man, who was “born in Kenya and has Muslim roots/desires, who is a communist socialist who wants to destroy America”, Donald bad can the black man be?

America is supposed to go for a republican racist who hates women, black people, Hispanics, Muslims, immigrants, did I leave anyone out?...over a Democrat? Give me someone like President Obama any day over a white privileged right wing racist know-nothing buffoon.

That republicans think someone like trump is superior to someone like Barack Obama is the most insulting thing I can think of.

I guess this is basically nothing but a rant.

I haven’t turned on my TV yet today, and it’s so peaceful without trump’s face and loud hateful mouth…