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07/28/03 1:07 PM

#957 RE: wavx888 #917

Tony, et al - zentertainment & 888

i'm writing something that could benefit from info on this.

Any of you 3 have a link for more info?

Tony - is "Lucky Grub" a phrase that denotes a lucky number?

i find it beyond amusing that sKs claimed that insiders wanted to buy soooo badly for the last FOUR MONTHS but were afraid of the appearance of impropriety b/c of supposed material news coming out @ any minute...

it is mind boggling -- why didn't the insiders participate in the PP (or simply do the entire thing themselves).

$4 mil should not be *that* hard to scrounge from Bushnell, Gilder, etc.

& while they worry about investing in wavx b/c of risk of apparent impropriety --- they have no problem w/a 100% reserve against Peter's million dollar "LOAN" (yeah, riiiiight), squeaked in just under Sarbanne-Oxley's passage.

also -- there isn't even a hint of corp governance reform in the proxy. just a rubber stamp. Bored seats shoulda been staggered & the 1994 emp. option plan should have been completely...

i could vent all day about this company, but i'm too busy.

i WILL say that the special dinner reeks! AND i think it is hilarious that the tapped-out voids paid the tab. sKs pulls in almost a half mil in guaranteed compensation & holds around 2mil shares & he can't pay for his own food (let alone the s/h that joined him?!?)

would also *love* to hear XAM's take on it if she was there.

it smells like obfusKsation & it would seem the SEC smells something too...

Anyway, Tony/Zen/Wavx888 if you have some info on 888, i'd appreciate.


PS sorta funny that at least one diehard long now thinks its reasonable to hope for a different stock (SSPX) to be sold at DOUBLE its thinly-traded price in order to stave off dilution.

PPS any CEO who has the termerity to suggest that dilution on the order of five-fold of the loan shark debt of late is acceptable, should be summarily removed.