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Saving Grace

10/05/16 3:37 PM

#97364 RE: 90 West #97363

Mark had better get a backbone and explain to shareholders what he did with their money from the capital raise to fund expansions before it's to late and he's explaining it to a judge instead.

I'm not just going to sit back and wait for that fat lump of sh!t to get even fatter at the expense of shareholders. He had better put out something and I mean quickly as this bottom dwelling POS isn't untouchable when it comes to his criminal activities and the SEC. I am so pissed that I actually bought shares to a company that doesn't exist that my blood is boiling and I'm going to do something about it where he is criminally prosecuted for his crimes.

If you're reading this Mark, you had better make an attempt to redeem yourself and resurrect the mess that you yourself have created or face the consequences.