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10/04/16 5:46 PM

#15 RE: JNelson467 #14

Filing an Appeal doesn't mean somebody is guilty and the world has to stop.

The case to build [why this bk court decision should be reversed] is on the Appellant to prove. From where I sit that looks like a fruitless mission. They have 14 days to plead their case...and it must be NEW information. If they bring the same argument(s) they did to the Bankruptcy Court into the court of Appeals it will get thrown out.

The Appeals court isn't going to rehash old info. They have the bk court records ..they know what was said and done in the bk case. The Appellant has to bring a smoking gun not seen or heard before or its over. End of discussion.

As of right now SD has the right and the US Bankruptcy Courts permission to proceed and resume business.

I don't expect you to like any of this. You're not the first guy to crash on the rocks of a bankruptcy. I graduated from the same school of hard knocks youre going through right now I'm well acquainted with how it hurts bud.

Word to the wise - Stop listening to the clueless knuckleheads on Ihub who think equity has the same rights as creditors.

I wish you well in the future.
