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10/04/16 9:31 AM

#354884 RE: big-yank #354879

Do you really think Sweeney cares what some guy on Twitter thinks? You've outdone yourself this time, Yank!


10/04/16 9:37 AM

#354887 RE: big-yank #354879

"process to go forward without risky,self-serving back-channel comments"

You are on record backing Laberths ruling. how did he help the process forward?

let's stop this charade of you being for judicial progress. for that matter, if you do own any pref, its probably a hedge against your allegiants getting clobbered in court.

stink stack

10/04/16 9:41 AM

#354890 RE: big-yank #354879

Time to pack it up !


10/04/16 9:45 AM

#354893 RE: big-yank #354879

Look in the mirror


10/04/16 9:59 AM

#354894 RE: big-yank #354879

Working for the Federal Government in a policy making position is a privilege, not a RIGHT! If a particular individual has demonstrated incompetence or pursued an ideological agenda inconsistent with their responsibilities, then that person should never work again in the public sector.


10/04/16 10:02 AM

#354895 RE: big-yank #354879

No comments on any "blogosphere" anywhere have ever backed any judge into any corner. You can look it up. You won't find a single example.


10/04/16 10:06 AM

#354898 RE: big-yank #354879

I have been in business (around politics) long enough to know the truth/good will mostly likely surface.

Without exception, dark unethical behavior comes with inherent errors in judgement and therefore inevitable is only a question of when?

Your argument for keeping a tight lid on certain aspects in order to serve others more "notable" aspects (in your opinion), is exactly the kind of scenario that has this country in this mess.

Most people try to do good for world... However, about 5% are innately dark/evil and I have personally found the 80/20 rule to hold true for the psychological profiles of executives and politicians. Intrinsic to the 20% of narcissistic and sociopathic individuals is a high level achievement, whatever the unintended consequences may be. It doesn't make the 20% bad people, it just means they leave a trial of damage that eventually comes out and I say, let's bring it on - sort it out and move on.