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10/04/16 10:20 AM

#354902 RE: Travel5 #354898

Travel5 nice input and comments.

Go fnf holding long and strong


10/04/16 10:55 AM

#354914 RE: Travel5 #354898

Agree. "Truthful lips last forever, but a lie lasts only a momemnt."
Proverbs 12:19

Unfortunately, our government is attempting to supress the truth for its own gain.
As Judge Sweeney posted, this is not a matter of national security, its a matter of exposing corruption from certain government officials. She wont be shielding corrupt government officials under the guise of "national security" or "presidential priveledge". Good for her.

The irony is the current administration advocated "open government" and full disclosure...that is, until this administration is under fire for corruption, and then they try to hide behind exectutive priveledge.

Nixon did the same...he said the "Watergate" tapes were confidential and priveledged. When the US Supreme Court said, "No", he was forced to resign.

FannieGate is Watergate2, for those corrupt officials who did not read, or remember the history of Watergate.