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New Rule: Trump's Basket of Inexplicables | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on Sep 30, 2016 by Real Time with Bill Maher [ / , ]

In his editorial New Rule, Bill Maher examines Trump's surrogates, and questions whether this cast of characters would be fit to serve in a Presidential administration. Original Air Date: September 30, 2016. [with comments]


U.S. diplomats fear Trump will unleash cronies as ambassadors

"He probably has no idea what the foreign service is," lamented one person with deep knowledge of the U.S. diplomatic corps.
Will he just appoint a buddy to schmooze with the Kremlin?
10/01/16 [with comments]


Full Show - DEPLORABLE vs. DELUSIONALS - 09/30/2016

Published on Sep 30, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]

On this Friday, Sept. 30 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we analyze the UN’s call to end Donald Trump and the establishment’s war against the people’s champion in the arena of liberty. In particular, Radio broadcaster Lionel discusses the mainstream media’s desperate attacks against Trump, which won’t work because no one trusts corporate media [also, yet another appearance by Roger Stone]. The MSM has aligned itself with the global elite who want to enslave humanity.

‘Finally. Someone who thinks like me.’

Melanie Austin sits at her kitchen table at her home near Brownsville, Pa., on Aug. 6. She is an enthusiastic Donald Trump supporter and is certain that he will win the election in November.
October 1, 2016 [with embedded video; comments closed] [with comments]


Newsweek suspects hackers crashed website because of negative Trump article

Newsweek suspects that hackers are to blame for the crash of its website on Thursday night, after it published an article [ ] about Donald Trump’s company secretly conducting business in Cuba in the 1990s.
"We don't know everything. We're still investigating," Newsweek editor in chief Jim Impoco told POLITICO. "But it was a massive DDoS attack, and it took place in the early evening just as prominent cable news programs were discussing Kurt Eichenwald's explosive investigation into how Donald Trump's company broke the law by breaking the United States embargo against Cuba."
A DDoS attack, or distributed denial of service attack, is when an attacker attempts to overwhelm a website or server with traffic, rendering it unable to function reliably.
As of Friday afternoon, Impoco told POLITICO that the main IP addresses involved in the hack were Russian, but that there was "nothing definitive" about the ongoing investigation.


Hackers Target Election Systems in 20 States

by Cynthia McFadden, William Arkin, Josh Meyer and Ken Dilanian
Sep 29 2016, 7:06 pm ET

There have been hacking attempts on election systems in more than 20 states — far more than had been previously acknowledged — a senior Department of Homeland Security official told NBC News on Thursday.

The "attempted intrusions" targeted online systems like registration databases, and not the actual voting or tabulation machines that will be used on Election Day and are not tied to the Internet.

The DHS official described much of the activity as "people poking at the systems to see if they are vulnerable."

"We are absolutely concerned," the DHS official said. "The concern is the ability to cause confusion and chaos."

Only two successful breaches have been disclosed, both of online voter registration databases, in Illinois and Arizona over the summer.

While those two hacks were linked to hackers in Russia, the DHS official did not say who was responsible for the other failed attempts, noting that "we're still doing a lot of forensics."

Meanwhile, intelligence officials tell NBC News there is now "no doubt" the Russian government is trying to influence the election.

Classified material, prepared for briefings of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton and examined by NBC News, reveals that officials have drawn "direct links" between Vladimir Putin's government and the recent series of hacks and leaks.

The secret material confirms what lawmakers on the Senate and House Intelligence Committees said they had concluded last week, based on briefings they received.

"At the least, this effort is intended to sow doubt about the security of our election and may well be intended to influence the outcomes of the election — we can see no other rationale for the behavior of the Russians," Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Rep. Adam Schiff, both D-Calif., said in a statement.

For weeks, American officials have been saying that Russian intelligence agencies were behind hacks into the DNC, state election databases and other political entities, but they weren't definitive about the motive since nations routinely hack into their adversaries' political organizations to gather information for spying purposes.

In recent days, U.S. officials tell NBC News, American spy agencies have determined that the Russian government was behind the leaks of Democratic National Committee emails to Wikileaks and others — and that the goal was to undermine confidence in the American presidential election.

Another possible aim: sending a geopolitical warning.
NBC News has learned that this summer, Adm. Michael Rogers, director of the National Security Agency, told congressional intelligence committees that Washington believes "potential adversaries might be leaving cyber fingerprints on our critical infrastructure partly to convey a message that our homeland is at risk if tensions ever escalate toward military conflict."

FBI Director James Comey told a congressional hearing this week that he is taking the threat to election systems "extraordinarily seriously."

"We are urging the states just to make sure that their deadbolts are thrown and their locks are on and to get the best information they can from DHS just to make sure their systems are secure," he told the House Judiciary Committee.

DHS has been pushing states to undergo free cyber-hygiene scans and other assessments before the Nov. 8 vote. Yet, as Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson told a congressional committee this week, just 18 have signed up for the free help. The results of those scans are not available yet.



NSA Chief: Potential Russian Hacking of U.S. Elections a Concern

Russians Hacked Two U.S. Voter Databases, Officials Say

Could Russian Hackers Spoil Election Day? [with embedded videos, and comments]


Uh Oh: Donald Trump May Have Broken The Law

Published on Oct 1, 2016 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert [ , ]

Upon learning that Trump's company may have violated the embargo on Cuba in 1998, Stephen wonders if it will have any effect on the candidate's chances of winning the presidency. [with comments]


Phoenix demands Trump campaign pull ad with city police officers
September 29, 2016 [with embedded videos, and comments]

Phoenix Demands Trump Campaign Drop Ad Using City's Uniformed Cops

A still image from 'Movement,' a Trump campaign ad that the city of Phoenix contends illegally includes images of its uniformed police officers.
Sep 30 2016 [with comments], [embedded; with comments]

‘Law and order’ Trump campaign puts Phoenix cops in likely illegal ad
September 30, 2016 [with comments]

Trump Hasn't Responded to Phoenix's Cease-and-Desist Letter Over Ad, City Officials Say
October 01, 2016


Eric Trump ‘Charity’ Spent $880K at Family-Owned Golf Resorts

The younger Trump swears his foundation gives all of its money away to good causes. Which is true, if you don’t count the cash spent on Trump-owned resorts. Or the plastic surgeon.


Neo-Nazi Writer: “Virtually Every Alt-Right Nazi I Know Is Volunteering For The Trump Campaign”
September 29, 2016
From the LA Times [ ]:
"White supremacists are active on social media and their websites report a sharp rise in traffic and visitors, particularly when posting stories and chat forums about the New York businessman.
Stormfront, already one of the oldest and largest white nationalist websites, reported a 600% increase in readership since President Obama’s election, and now has more than one in five threads devoted to Trump. It reportedly had to upgrade its servers recently due to the increased traffic.
“Before Trump, our identity ideas, national ideas, they had no place to go,” said Richard Spencer, president of the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist think tank based in Arlington, Va.
Not since Southern segregationist George Wallace’s failed presidential bids in 1968 and 1972 have white nationalists been so motivated to participate in a presidential election.
Andrew Anglin, editor of the Daily Stormer website and an emerging leader of a new generation of millennial extremists, said he had “zero interest” in the 2012 general election and viewed presidential politics as “pointless.” That is, until he heard Trump.
“Trump had me at ‘build a wall,’” Anglin said. “Virtually every alt-right Nazi I know is volunteering for the Trump campaign.”" [with comments]

‘Virtually Every Alt-Right Nazi I Know Is Volunteering For The Trump Campaign’

A white supremacist tells the Los Angeles Times that neo-Nazis are volunteering for the Donald Trump campaign.
More white supremacists come out for the Republican presidential candidate.
09/30/2016 Updated September 30, 2016 [with comments]


Wisconsin Is Systematically Failing to Provide the Photo IDs Required to Vote in November
New recordings from the DMV show how the state is continuing to disenfranchise black voters.
September 29, 2016 [with embedded audio and video, and comments]

Judge orders DMV to investigate voter ID incident
September 30, 2016 [with embedded video, and comments]

Wisconsin Got Caught Stiffing Citizens On Voter ID, And Now A Judge Wants Answers

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker signed a voter ID law in 2011 that has been stuck in the courts and causing confusion since then.
News reports documenting troubling incidents of voter disenfranchisement led a court to act. [with comments]


Another Trump Adviser Appears On Radio Network That Features White Nationalists

Submitted by Miranda Blue on Thursday, 9/29/2016 1:43 pm

Earlier this year, Donald Trump [ ]’s presidential campaign landed in hot water when the candidate’s son, Donald Trump Jr. [ ], agreed to be interviewed [ ] by notorious white nationalist [ ] radio host James Edwards [ , ]. Edwards hosts a show called “The Political Cesspool [ ],” which is syndicated by Liberty News Radio [ ]; his interview with Trump Jr. was aired on another Liberty News Radio program called “Liberty Roundtable [ , ],” which is hosted by the network’s owner and Edwards friend Sam Bushman [ ].

The Trump campaign [ ] received widespread criticism for the interview, especially given Trump’s reluctance to disavow support from white nationalists, but apparently didn’t learn its lesson, because yesterday another Trump aide, economic adviser Stephen Moore [ , ], appeared on “Liberty Roundtable [ , ]” to spin Trump’s abysmal performance in the first presidential debate.

Edwards wasn’t on the program this time, but Moore spoke with Bushman, who grilled him on the false rumor [ ] that Alicia Machado, a former Miss Universe whom Trump has repeatedly insulted [ ], used to be a “porn star,” which Bushman recommended that Trump focus on in the next debate.

The allegation caused Moore to erupt in laughter as he claimed that Machado was “lying through her teeth.”

[audio ( ) embedded]

A commercial break during Moore’s appearance on the program included an advertisement from Edwards touting his book “Racism Schmacism” and his show on Bushman's network.

© 2016 People For the American Way


Pennsylvania mayor Charles Wasko calls for Obama to be lynched

[ (with comments)]

Not soon enough!
[ ]

October 01, 2016
The racist posts date back to at least August 2015, when Wasko posted a photo of civil rights leader Al Sharpton overlaid with praise for Obama in a stereotypical faux vernacular [ ].
Other posts since have mocked Muslim men as pedophiles [ ], suggested that if Obama wanted to punish Syria he could proclaim himself [ ] their leader, blamed gun control [ ] for the Holocaust, criticized [ ] San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick and joked that socialism is when white folks pay for black peoples' needs and racism is when whites get upset over it [ ].
Yet more posts support Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and harshly criticize Trump's opponent, Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Pennsylvania Mayor Posts Racist Meme About Lynching President Obama
Charles Wasko is being urged to resign, but he may seek reelection instead.
09/30/2016 Updated September 30, 2016 [with embedded video report, and comments]


Trickle-Down Birtherism: Crowd Wants Birther Answers About Iranian-American Candidate
Birtherism isn’t just for Barack Obama.
09/30/2016 [with comments]


Is Hillary Receiving Blood Transfusions?

Published on Oct 1, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel

Powerful figures throughout history from Leonardo da Vinci to the ancient greeks have viewed the blood of the young as an avenue to prolonged life. [with comments]


Evangelical Pastor: Donald Trump Under ‘Concentrated Satanic Attack’

Pastor Darrell Scott said Lucifer himself is taking a shot at the GOP presidential candidate.

By Ed Mazza
09/21/2016 10:50 pm ET | Updated Sep 22, 2016

Donald Trump is locked in a war with Satan.

At an event in Cleveland on Wednesday, an evangelical pastor warned the Republican presidential candidate that he was fighting none other than Lucifer himself.

Pastor Darrell Scott [ ] said that five years ago, an unnamed “nationally known preacher” claimed that if Trump ran for president, he would come under a “concentrated satanic attack [ ].” Scott said the preacher warned of “a demon, principalities and powers, that are going to war against you on a level that you’ve never seen before.”

What’s more, Scott affirmed that this satanic attack was taking place right now.

“I’m watching it every day,” Scott said in a clip posted online by Right Wing Watch.

Scott then held a ritual where he and others laid hands on Trump as the pastor’s wife, Belinda, asked God to “give him the anointing to lead this nation.”
(h/t Raw Story [ ])

Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence [ ] and is a serial liar [ ], rampant xenophobe [ ], racist [ ], misogynist [ ] and birther [ ] who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S.


Lucifer Gets A Shoutout At The Republican National Convention Thanks To Ben Carson

Satan vs. Trump Is Too Close To Call

Copyright © 2016, Inc. [with comments], [as embedded; with comments] [and see in particular (linked in) and preceding and following]


Pentecostal Leaders Pray God Will Knock Clinton’s Chariot Wheels Off To Help ‘Anointed’ Trump

Submitted by Peter Montgomery on Friday, 9/30/2016 11:42 am

Charisma [ ] magazine and its affiliated online Charisma News are part of Steve Strang [ ]’s publishing empire [ ], aimed at Pentecostal Christians who see American politics enveloped in constant spiritual warfare between believers and demons. (See, for example, senior editor Jennifer Claire [ ]’s “Is Hillary Clinton the Antichrist or an Illuminati Witch [ ]?”) Charisma has endorsed [ ] Donald Trump [ , ] and has energetically promoted his candidacy [ ], playing a major role in the  Religious Right push to convince conservative Christians that Trump’s candidacy has a divine anointing [ ].

On Sunday evening, Charisma posted an article calling for “urgent prayer” for Donald Trump [ ] for Monday night’s debate. The article said that former Trump adviser Frank Amedia [ ] had received a revelation from God and “began making phone calls to drum up support for the Kingdom Wide Prayer Watch.” Among those who got involved were Cindy Jacobs [ ], Rick Joyner [ ], Mario Bramnick [ ], Lance Wallnau [ ] and Paula White [ ].

Trump is on the focus of the October issue of Charisma magazine, whose cover story is Lance Wallnau’s tale about how God told him that He is raising up Donald Trump like the biblical King Cyrus [ ]. This week Strang posted a two-part [ ] podcast [ ] interviewing Wallnau about Trump’s “anointing” as a “prophetic” instrument of God’s purposes.

Wallnau said people should pray that God will intervene, perhaps during one of the debates, to unveil a Clinton medical problem or otherwise derail her candidacy:

God is really involved with what’s happening right now. And I think if there was ever a time when the chariot wheels of Pharaoh come off, I think now, we ought to be praying that God speeds his path for His purposes because America cannot afford another 48 months of the destructive spiral that it’s in right now.

Of course, most people would hardly describe Trump’s debate performance as an answer to prayer.

Which brings us to the extent to which Charisma is promoting far-right conspiracy theories. This week Bob Eschliman wrote that Clinton’s much celebrated shimmy after Trump said he had a better temperament to be president was in fact evidence of a “medical episode [ ]”—Eschliman laughably mischaracterized Clinton’s mocking “whew, OK” as a “Howard Dean yell” and described her shimmy as a troubling “shudder” and “tremors.”

Eschliman is also flacking right-wing conspiracy theories [ ] that Clinton “cheated [ ]” during the early national security forum and Monday night’s debate by wearing a hidden ear piece that she could have used to get instructions from her campaign team. Eschliman said it could have been a hearing aid, a receiver, or an “anti-seizure device,” adding, “None of these paint a particularly good picture for the Democratic presidential nominee. Either she has an as-yet undisclosed health condition, ranging from mild to severe, or she's been cheating during the televised debates.”

In his podcast interview with Wallnau, Strang said he was worried that there isn’t enough “clear solidarity” from preachers and prophets to get enough believers to the polls. Wallnau blamed that possibility on “the left” and some Christian leaders who are trying to mute enthusiasm for Trump by portraying him as a flawed candidate, “morally or whatever.” Wallnau insisted that isn’t true, saying that Trump “has been on a metamorphosis...a total transformation track.”


Religious Right Backs Bill to Implement Trump’s Pledge to Make Churches More Politically Powerful

Religious Right Leaders Vow To Defy Laws On Abortion, 'Sexual Perversion' In 'Declaration Of Dependence Upon God'

9/26/2016 ,

David Barton Claims The Founding Fathers Used 'The Exact Language Of The Bible' To Write The Constitution

9/29/2016 ,

© 2016 People For the American Way [and see in particular e.g. and preceding and following, and preceding and following]


Roy Moore, Alabama Chief Justice, Suspended Over Gay Marriage Order

Children held signs in support of Judge Roy S. Moore in front of the state courthouse in Montgomery, Ala., on Wednesday.

Judge Roy S. Moore listened to closing arguments in his ethics trial in Montgomery on Wednesday.
SEPT. 30, 2016
Nine months after instructing Alabama’s probate judges to defy federal court orders on same-sex marriage [ ], Roy S. Moore, the chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, was suspended on Friday for the remainder of his term for violating the state’s canon of judicial ethics.
It was the second time in his contentious career that Judge Moore, an outspoken conservative, was removed as chief justice, and it followed his most recent star turn in the nation’s culture wars.
The suspension was imposed by the state’s Court of the Judiciary [ ], a nine-member body of selected judges, lawyers and others, which found Judge Moore guilty on six charges. While the court did not take him off the bench entirely, as it did in 2003 [ ] after he defied orders [ ] to remove a giant Ten Commandments monument from the state judicial building, it effectively ended his state judicial career. His term ends in 2019, and Judge Moore, 69, will be barred by law from running for a judicial position again because of his age.
The court said in its decision that most, but not all, of its members had supported fully removing Judge Moore from the bench, but removal requires a unanimous vote. The decision to suspend him, the court said, was unanimous.
The court found that the “clear purpose” of Judge Moore’s January order [ ] to the state’s 68 probate judges to refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, which he called simply a “status update” on the legal situation, was “to order and direct the probate judges, most of whom had never been admitted to practice law in Alabama, to stop complying with binding federal law.”
In a statement, Judge Moore called the decision corrupt. “This was a politically motivated effort by radical homosexual and transgender groups to remove me as chief justice of the Supreme Court because of outspoken opposition to their immoral agenda,” he said.
Mathew D. Staver, Judge Moore’s lawyer and the founder of Liberty Counsel, a legal group that has fought against same-sex marriage [ ], called the decision illegal and said he was appealing to the Alabama Supreme Court.
Judge Moore filed a similar appeal after the Court of the Judiciary’s decision in 2003. The justices recused themselves in that case and selected at random a panel of retired judges to hear it. The judges upheld Judge Moore’s removal.
[...] [with comments]


Before 6 a.m., Donald Trump proved Hillary Clinton’s point about his temperament

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump at Monday night's presidential debate.
September 30, 2016 [with embedded videos, and comments]


Republicans Who Endorse Trump Struggle With Sex Tape Tweet
“Perhaps there are people up interested in issues at 3 a.m.”
09/30/2016 [with embedded video, and comments]


Hillary Clinton Responds To Donald Trump’s ‘Unhinged’ Tweets With Her Own Fiery Tweetstorm

She did not hold back.
09/30/2016 Updated September 30, 2016 [with comments]


Trump’s bad week is a ‘nightmare’ for the GOP

September 30, 2016 [with embedded video, and (over 8,000) comments]


Donald Trump Opens New Line of Attack on Hillary Clinton: Her Marriage

Donald J. Trump on Friday in the Oval Office replica at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids, Mich.
SEPT. 30, 2016

The Trump Campaign's Latest Tactic Is Straight From The Conservative Echo Chamber


Donald Trump Said He Promised Ivanka He Wouldn’t Date Girls Younger Than Her

“So as she grows older, the field is getting very limited.”
09/30/2016 [with embedded video, and comments]


Trump Admits He Found 12-Year-Old Paris Hilton Attractive
09/30/2016 Updated October 1, 2016 [with embedded video, and comments]


Listen To Donald Trump And Howard Stern Talk About How ‘Vagina Is Expensive’
Oh God.
09/29/2016 Updated September 30, 2016
In a January 1997 interview with Donald Trump [ ], shock jock Howard Stern relayed some crude marital advice that the brash businessman gave him before his second trip down the aisle, with Marla Maples. (The couple would separate a few months later.)
“Donald pulled me aside at his wedding,” Stern said in comments that had not resurfaced until now. “He said, you know I am getting remarried, but Howard, vagina is expensive. I will never forget those words. The guy is right. Those were the exact words!”
[...] [with embedded audio ( ), and comments]


Donald Trump Appeared In A 2000 Playboy Softcore Porn

Trump breaks a bottle of champagne on a Playboy-branded limo while several of the Playmates are visiting New York City. “Beauty is beauty, and let’s see what happens with New York,” Trump says.
Sept. 30, 2016 [with embedded video, and comments]

Clinton Hits Trump on Porn Cameo After He Tweets of ‘Sex Tape’
"There’s been a lot of talk about sex tapes today," Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said. "And in a strange turn of events only one adult film has emerged today and its star is Donald Trump."
September 30, 2016


Donald Trump Reportedly Pressured His Second Wife To Appear In Playboy

Donald Trump reportedly tried to get Marla Maples in Playboy.

Jeff Nichols
@LPDonovan Nifty find. Trump pressuring his future wife to pose for Playboy. Personally negotiated the fee.
10:04 PM - 30 Sep 2016
[ (with comments)]

We’re detecting a pattern here.
10/01/2016 Updated October 1, 2016 [with comments]


GOP Platform Identifies Pornography As A National Public Health Crisis

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus speaks at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, June 18, 2011.
As opposed to, say, guns.
07/11/2016 Updated July 12, 2016 [with comments]


Hillary Clinton Has Her Own 3 A.M. Tweets For Donald Trump
“It’s 3:20am. As good a time as any to tweet about national service.”
10/01/2016 Updated October 1, 2016 [with comments]


Donald Trump weighs post-election options if he loses

By Reena Flores
October 1, 2016, 1:14 PM

Donald Trump is considering doubling back on his debate-night promise [ ] that he would “absolutely” support the outcome of the Nov. 8 election, even if Hillary Clinton is victorious.

In an interview with the New York Times [ ] published early Saturday, Trump discussed whether he would accept the results of the election if he lost.

“We’re going to have to see. We’re going to see what happens. We’re going to have to see,” Trump told the Times.

That’s a far cry from what the Republican nominee said Monday, during the first presidential debate of the general election.

After Clinton asserted that she “certainly will support the outcome of this election,” debate moderator Lester Holt posed the same question to Trump.

Trump’s response: “Look, here’s the story. I want to make America great again. I’m going to be able to do it. I don’t believe Hillary will. The answer is, if she wins, I will absolutely support her.”

Trump has long claimed that the U.S. political system was “rigged,” but in recent months, the business mogul has propagated fears that the election itself would be unfairly stacked [ ] against him.

“I’m afraid the election’s gonna be rigged,” Trump said at a rally in Columbus, Ohio, in August. “I have to be honest. I hear more and more that the election on November 8th. Can you believe we’re almost there?”

Election officials -- and even President Obama [ ] -- have pushed back on the charge [ ], calling it “ridiculous.”

“I don’t even really know where to start. Of course the elections will not be rigged. What does that mean?” Mr. Obama told reporters that same month. “That’s ridiculous. That doesn’t make any sense and I don’t think anybody takes that seriously.”

Trump also previewed a new Clinton attack line [ ] in his Times interview, suggesting that he would bring up former President Clinton and his marital infidelities during his next debate with the Democratic nominee.

Trump slammed Mr. Clinton for his relations with Monica Lewinsky and his other sexual exploits, claiming that they “brought shame onto the presidency, and Hillary Clinton was there defending him all along.”

“Hillary Clinton was married to the single greatest abuser of women in the history of politics,” he added about Mr. Clinton. “Hillary was an enabler, and she attacked the women who Bill Clinton mistreated afterward. I think it’s a serious problem for them, and it’s something that I’m considering talking about more in the near future.”

Trump, who has recently come under fire for his disparaging attacks on a former Miss Universe [ ], defended this campaign tactic, and said of his Democratic rival, “She’s nasty, but I can be nastier than she ever can be.”

Of his own marital infidelities -- well-documented when he began a relationship with actress and model Marla Maples (who would later become his second wife) while he was still married to Ivana Trump -- Trump dismissed their relevance to his current campaign.

“I don’t talk about it. I wasn’t president of the United States. I don’t talk about it,” he said, before directing the conversation back to Mr. Clinton. “When you think of the fact that he was impeached, the country was in turmoil, turmoil, absolute turmoil. He lied with Monica Lewinsky and paid a massive penalty.”

© 2016 CBS Interactive Inc. [with embedded videos, and comments]


Trump says he may not accept result if Clinton wins, in reversal from debate

After the first presidential debate on Monday, the Republican nominee told reporters ‘absolutely I would’ honor the results of the election should he lose.
GOP nominee also spoke at length with the New York Times about the marital infidelities of former president Bill Clinton, insisting ‘Hillary was an enabler’
30 September 2016 [with embedded video]


FULL: Hillary Clinton rally in Coral Springs, FL

Published on Sep 30, 2016 by ABC15 Arizona [ / , ]

Poll shows Clinton slightly ahead in Florida.

Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton Rally in Coral Springs, Florida
September 30, 2016
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton spoke to supporters at a campaign rally in Coral Springs, Florida. [Clinton's appearance begins at c. the 6:00 mark; with comments[


FNN: Hillary Clinton Speaks at Event in Fort Pierce, Florida

Published on Sep 30, 2016 by FOX 10 Phoenix [ , ]

Hillary Clinton gives a campaign speech in Floriday on September 30, 2016.

Hillary Clinton Campaign Rally in Fort Pierce, Florida
September 30, 2016
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton spoke at a campaign rally in Fort Pierce, Florida. She announced her plan to create a National Service Reserve and also outlined plans to increase participation in AmeriCorps and Peace Corps. [with transcript] [with comments]


Lesser Known Trump Endorsements | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on Sep 30, 2016 by Real Time with Bill Maher

Donald Trump has yet to be endorsed by a daily newspaper, but Bill Maher has a list of some of his more obscure endorsements. Original Air Date: September 30, 2016. [with comments]


Why Hillary Clinton is the safe choice for president
This paper has not endorsed a Democrat for president in its 148-year history. But we endorse Clinton. She’s the safe choice for the U.S. and for the world, for Democrats and Republicans alike.
By The San Diego Union-Tribune Editorial Board
September 30, 2016 [with embedded video, and comments]


The clear and present danger of Donald Trump

Donald Trump at a rally in Council Bluffs, Iowa, on Wednesday.
(John Locher/Associated Press)

By Editorial Board
September 30, 2016

IF YOU know that Donald Trump is ignorant, unprepared and bigoted, but are thinking of voting for him anyway because you doubt he could do much harm — this editorial is for you.

Your support of the Republican presidential nominee may be motivated by dislike of the Democratic alternative, disgust with the Washington establishment or a desire to send a message in favor of change. You may not approve of everything Mr. Trump has had to say about nuclear weapons, torture or mass deportations, but you doubt he could implement anything too radical. Congress, the courts, the Constitution — these would keep Mr. Trump in check, you think.

Well, think again. A President Trump could, unilaterally, change this country to its core. By remaking U.S. relations with other nations, he could fundamentally reshape the world, too.

Of course, in many areas Mr. Trump would not have to act unilaterally. If he won, chances are Republicans would maintain control of Congress. GOP majorities there would be enthusiastic participants in much of what Mr. Trump would like to do: gutting environmental and workplace regulations, slashing taxes so that the debt skyrockets, appointing Supreme Court justices who oppose a woman’s right to have an abortion. In areas where Republican officeholders such as House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (Wis.) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) imagine themselves acting as a brake on Mr. Trump’s worst instincts [ ], skepticism is in order. If these supposed leaders are too craven to oppose Mr. Trump as a candidate [ ], knowing the danger he presents, why should we expect them to stand up to the bully once he was fully empowered?

But say they did — or imagine, also improbably, that Mr. Trump faced a Democratic Congress. The president would appoint officers — a budget director, an attorney general, a CIA chief — who were disposed to let him have his way. And in the U.S. system, the scope for executive action is, as we will lay out in a series of editorials next week, astonishingly broad. At times we have questioned President Obama’s sweeping use of those powers even when we agreed with his goals, such as his broad grant of amnesty to millions of undocumented immigrants [ ]. Mr. Trump could push it much further.

Could he tear up long-standing international agreements? Round up and expel millions of longtime U.S. residents? Impose giant tariffs? Waterboard terrorist suspects? Yes, yes, yes and yes — all without so much as an if-you-please to Congress. Could he bar the media from covering him? To a large extent, yes. Could he use the government to help his businesses and, as he has threatened, injure those he perceives as enemies? Yes, he could.

Given Mr. Trump’s ever-evolving positions, and the apparent absence of fundamental beliefs other than in his own brilliance, it would be foolish to make flat predictions of how he would behave. Nor do we underestimate the resilience of the U.S. system or the devotion that U.S. government workers bring to the rule of law.

But it would be reckless not to consider the damage Mr. Trump might wreak. Some of that damage would ensue more from who he is than what he does. His racism and disparagement of women could empower extremists who are now on the margins of American politics, while his lies and conspiracy theories could legitimize discourse that until now has been relegated to the fringe. But his scope for action should not be underestimated, either. In our upcoming editorials, we will examine some arenas where Mr. Trump has been relatively clear about his intentions — and where presidential powers are mighty. We hope you will read them before you vote.

Read more on this topic:

Michael Gerson: Out of his depth, Donald Trump clings to deception

The Post’s View: One debater comforted the world. The other frightened it.

Dana Milbank: More bigotry from the Trump brigade

Danielle Allen and Richard Ashby Wilson: Mass deportation isn’t just impractical. It’s very, very dangerous.

© 2016 The Washington Post [with embedded video, and comments]


Gary Johnson Is Running His Own Campaign Into The Ground

Published on Sep 30, 2016 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Why are young people flocking to Gary Johnson's presidential campaign? Perhaps it's his plan to combat global warming, or his tongue-in-cheek debate strategy.

[aired September 29, 2016] [with (over 4,000) comments]


Gary Johnson Is No Bernie, Bro | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on Sep 30, 2016 by Real Time with Bill Maher

Bill welcomes comedian Sarah Silverman to the panel for a discussion about how voters hoping that third party candidate Gary Johnson will take up the mantle of Bernie Sanders are sadly - and dangerously - mistaken. Original Air Date: September 30, 2016. [with comments]


Full Speech: Donald Trump Holds Rally in Manheim, PA 10/1/16

Published on Oct 1, 2016 by Right Side Broadcasting [ / , ]

Saturday, October 1, 2016: Full replay of Donald Trump's speech at the Donald J. Trump for President rally in Manheim, PA at Spooky Nook Sports. Live coverage begins at 7:00 PM ET. [with comments] [also at e.g. (with comments), and, the complete rally, (with comments)]


As news of Trump’s taxes broke, he goes off script at a rally in Pennsylvania

A man waits for Donald Trump to arrive at a rally in Manheim, Pa., on Saturday.
(Mike Segar / Reuters)

By Jenna Johnson
October 2, 2016

MANHEIM, Pa. — Donald Trump's campaign announced Saturday evening that the candidate would soon deliver a nine-sentence critique of comments Hillary Clinton made months ago about many of the millennials supporting her primary rival, Bernie Sanders. It was an attempt to latch onto a new headline in hopes of finally escaping the controversies that had consumed his week.

It didn’t work.

It took Trump nearly 25 minutes to read the brief statement because he kept going off on one angry tangent after another - ignoring his teleprompters and accusing Clinton of not being “loyal” to her husband, imitating her buckling at a memorial service last month, suggesting that she is “crazy” and saying she should be in prison. He urged his mostly white crowd of supporters to go to polling places in "certain areas" on Election Day to "watch" the voters there. He also repeatedly complained about having a "bum mic" at the first presidential debate and wondered if he should have done another season of “The Apprentice.”

As Trump ranted in this rural Pennsylvania town, The New York Times reported [ (excerpted at/see {linked in} and following, also linked at/see {linked in} and preceding {and any future following})] it had anonymously received Trump’s 1995 income tax returns, which show he declared a loss of $916 million - a loss that he could use to avoid paying any federal income taxes for up to 18 years.

The evening capped one of Trump's worst weeks of the campaign season, one that started with his shaky debate performance on Monday night and went on to include a public feud with a former beauty queen, a middle-of-the-night tweet storm, attacks on the Clintons' marriage and an examination of an decades-old adult film that briefly featured Trump fully clothed.

The rally started more than an hour and 40 minutes late because heavy fog delayed Trump’s arrival. His supporters grew tired of his looping musical playlist, at one point chanting: “Turn it off! Turn it off!”

When Trump finally took the stage, it was clear that he was worked up about something as he quickly rushed through his usual talking points. He read the first sentence of the prepared statement: “A new audio tape that has surfaced - just yesterday - from another one of Hillary’s high-roller fundraisers shows her demeaning and mocking Bernie Sanders and all of his supporters.”

Rather than continuing, Trump demeaned and mocked Sanders himself, saying that he has “a much bigger movement than Bernie Sanders ever had” and that he has “much bigger crowds than Bernie Sanders ever had.” Trump accused Sanders of tarnishing his legacy by making a “deal with the devil” and supporting Clinton.

“Crazy Bernie,” Trump said at one point.

Eventually, Trump read a few more sentences, telling the audience that Clinton had described Sanders supporters as “living in their parents’ basements” and being trapped in dead-end jobs. Clinton made these comments more than seven months ago and seemed to sympathize with millennials who supported Sanders, although Republicans have tried to frame the remarks as an attack on young voters.

“In a really sarcastic tone because she’s a sarcastic woman,” Trump dryly said, going off-script.

He resumed his scripted spot: “To sum up...”

But he interrupted himself: “And I’ll tell you the thing: She’s an incompetent woman. And I’ve seen it. She’s an incompetent woman.”

Halfway through the statement, Trump took a nearly 20-minute-long break to cover a range of topics, including these:

- He reflected on how his movement has “the smartest people… the sharpest people… the most amazing people.” He said the pundits - “most of them aren’t worth the ground they’re standing on, some of that ground could be fairly wealthy ground” - have never seen a phenomenon like this.

- He asked that the crowd if they are proud of President Obama, and they answered with a booming: “No!”

- He told the crowd to get a group of friends together on Election Day, vote and then go to “certain areas” and “watch” the voters there. "I hear too many bad stories, and we can't lose an election because of you know what I'm talking about,” Trump said. “So, go and vote and then go check out areas because a lot of bad things happen, and we don't want to lose for that reason.”

- He declared that he won Monday night’s debate even though he had a “bum mic.” He asked the crowd if they think that “maybe that was done on purpose.” They cheered.

- He recounted how the “dopes at CNN” and “phony pundits” refused to acknowledge how well he was doing during the primaries. “Then we starting getting 52 percent, 58 percent, 66 percent, 78 percent, 82 percent," Trump said, not making clear what those numbers mean. "And they just didn’t understand what was going on.”

- He said Clinton could not fight bad trade deals or Russian President Vladimir Putin because “she can't make it 15 feet to her car,” alluding to video that showed Clinton buckling as she unexpectedly left a 9/11 memorial service early. Her doctor later said she had pneumonia. Trump then imitated Clinton by flailing his arms and jostling side to side. He walked unsteadily away from the podium as if he were about to fall over. “Folks, we need stamina,” Trump said. “We need energy.”

- He claimed that he has a “winning temperament” while Clinton has “bad temperament.” Trump continued: “She could be crazy. She could actually be crazy.”

Trump read one more sentence of the statement and accused Clinton of saying that “most of the country is racist” because she said at the debate that “implicit bias is a problem for everyone, not just police.”

“Did anybody like Lester Holt?” Trump said, naming the debate moderator as his crowd booed.

Trump read one more sentence of the statement, then brought up Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state.

“She should be in prison, let me tell you,” Trump said. “She should be in prison.”

The crowd cheered and chanted: “Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!”

“And she’s being totally protected by The New York Times and The Washington Post and all of the media and CNN - Clinton News Network, which nobody is watching anyways so what difference does it make,” Trump said.

Trump accused Clinton of “lies and lies.”

“How many people have acid-washed or bleached a tweet?” Trump asked the crowd. “How many? That you deleted? So you deleted it but that’s not good enough. No, this is crazy. Our country is becoming a third-world country.”

Trump read the final sentence of the statement but by that point, he had overshadowed his campaign’s planned headline with numerous other ones. And he kept adding to the list.

Trump called Clinton a “lousy speaker” and accused her of giving away the jobs of hardworking Pennsylvanians to please her donors.

“You’re unsuspecting,” Trump said. “Right now, you say to your wife: ‘Let’s go to a movie after Trump.’ But you won’t do that because you’ll be so high and so excited that no movie is going to satisfy you. Okay? No movie. You know why? Honestly? Because they don’t make movies like they used to - is that right?”

Trump yelled at the media to show his crowd, which he said would make for “better television,” pledged to win Pennsylvania and called supporters of international trade “blood suckers.”

“Oh, I could be doing the ‘Apprentice’ right now,” Trump said at one point, seeming to harken back to a happier time in his life. “I loved it - 14 seasons. How good was that? Tremendous success. They wanted to extend - I could be doing the ‘Apprentice’ now. Somehow I think this is a little bit more important. Do we agree? Just a little bit?”

As he spoke, dozens of people left the rally early, tired from standing for hours and hoping to beat the traffic. Those who remained leaned against walls, barricades and each other. One woman rubbed her knees. Another took a phone call: “I’m still here… He started an hour and a half late... I’ll call you whenever we get out of here.”

“I didn’t need to do this, folks,” Trump said of his candidacy. “Believe me. This is tough work... This is hard work. Believe me, folks. This is hard work.”

Trump told the crowd he’s beholden to his supporters and no one else.

“Hillary Clinton’s only loyalty is to her financial contributors and to herself,” Trump said. “I don’t even think she’s loyal to Bill, if you want to know the truth.”

The crowd gasped and many shouted: “Ohhhhh!”

Trump shrugged.

“And really, folks,” Trump continued, “really, why should she be? Right? Why should she be?”

He questioned how the Clintons earned so many tens of millions of dollars. He told a guy in the crowd he loved him even though he’s a guy. He pursed his lips as his supporters interrupted him with another “lock her up” chant. He reminded everyone that Bill Clinton was impeached because “everyone forgets.” He accused the media of allowing Clinton to “get away with murder.” He said African Americans will vote for him because he will fix their impoverished, dangerous neighborhoods that are “worse than war zones.”

“People walk to the office, they walk to get a loaf of bread, they get shot, their child gets shot,” Trump said.

He rattled off some campaign promises - taxes, energy, coal, farms - and then paused to note the upcoming 10th anniversary of the mass shooting at an Amish schoolhouse here in Lancaster County that left five girls dead.

“Tonight when you say your prayers, I ask you to remember those five young beautiful girls and their families,” Trump said. “Another issue we’re going to deal with is in certain ways so important. But when I tell you about what I just did, that is a special group of people. So say prayers, please. Okay? Just remember those people and what they went through.”

It had seemed as if Trump was about to talk about gun control measures - which he has sharply opposed - but then stopped himself. Later in the speech he would praise the leaders of the NRA and promise to protect the 2nd Amendment.

He shifted back to trade and jobs moving overseas, repeating himself from earlier. And he complained again about his “bad mic” at the debate and “this character Lester Holt” who corrected him more than Clinton.

“You have 38 days to make every dream you ever dreamed for your country come true,” Trump said. “Do not let this opportunity slip away or be wasted. You will never ever have this chance again. Not going to happen again… You have one magnificent chance.”

Trump said he was finishing up but he kept going for seven more minutes. He congratulated himself on predicting the Brexit vote. He plugged a speech his daughter Ivanka Trump is giving in the state next week. He listed endorsements. He pointed at an American flag on stage. And he complained about Clinton’s “false” commercials.

“We are going to make America wealthy again,” Trump said as he wrapped up. “We are going to make America strong again. We are going to make America powerful again. We are going to make America safe again. And we are going to make America great again.”

Trump thanked and blessed the crowd, pumped his fist in the air and then stepped aside to join them in applauding his speech.

Read more:

Here's another time a Trump rally turned into a rant: Nov. 13 in Fort Dodge, Ia.

Two days after the debate, Trump responds to Clinton's comment on implicit bias

How reality TV gave us reality candidate Donald Trump

Ten years ago her son killed Amish children. Their families immediately embraced her.

© 2016 The Washington Post [with embedded videos, and comments]


Hillary Clinton and Democrats Raised $154 Million in September

Hillary Clinton at a campaign event in Coral Springs, Fla., on Friday.
OCT. 1, 2016


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