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09/29/16 3:48 PM

#463478 RE: boarddork #463475

Now, Dodd-Frank kills off equity in the holding company 100% no exceptions. WAMU and WMI was the last time for equity to be let into the party. that ship has sailed, and we got the last seats.

Like Geitner said, there will never be another WAMU.

BINGO we are the last ones to ever ride this kind of train!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope we're not disappointed with our ride, its been a long one with lots of ups and downs twists and turns for sure.

Now they are talking about DB on CNBC and how they may be having a cash run on the bank LIKE BEAR STEARNS AND LEHMAN in 2008!!!!!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPS THEY forgot WAMU yet again

I have never seen such a widespread hands off