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09/27/16 10:50 PM

#770 RE: CommonCents3 #769

Just playing devil's advocate here..

Even though Axar holds common shares, can their claim be taken up as a 'priority' claim considering their nearly 20% ownership?? I mean they seem to have an hand at the bargaining table and are also exposed to the Unsecured creditors committee meetings that you and me know nothing of. The last hearing did not happen IMO because several unsecured creditors felt that the AA deal would treat them unfairly or diminish their returns..the company might have decided to resolve those concerns before going back to the Judge..

IMO, Axar is there because they know what they want and have the leverage and information, but in the end the common share holders like you and me are the one's that get the short end of the stick..

Just my thoughts..I have a small position and continuing to do my DD....GLTA!