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09/27/16 3:13 PM

#93286 RE: centurycom #93276

Very interesting - makes me wonder why juries are even seated for patent cases when the Judge has the ultimate authority to decide the technical aspect of the case?

As far as the Markman case, when I read:

In the Markman case, the plaintiff had patented a system to barcode dry cleaning tickets through an optical scanner. .....Defendant Westfield’s system also used barcode tickets and an optical scanner.

I say the patent was infringed - just because defendant's system didn't do X + Y + Z, only did X + Y, doesn't matter to me - the use of barcodes and scanners on tickets is the invention in my eyes - what you use it for is immaterial - heck, you could even track what type of material the piece of clothing is so the cleaners automatically know which process to use the clean it w/o having to find the tags on the item - the info you can store is only limited by your imagination - but w/o the barcode, unique tickets for each item, and scanner, you have nothing.