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09/23/16 5:56 PM

#112883 RE: es1 #112882

VN is not the only place to make silk, and it's not the best place to set up a company apparently. I would have assumed that from the start given the politics there. Those were Kim's choices, so why is he not to blame for seeing these delays coming? Why choose VN if you don't have a preexisting relationship with a silk manfacturer? Otherwise it's just a bureaucratic nightmare with the right climate...

If the captain of a ship sails through seas known to be dangerous because the route might look good on a map, isn't it on that person for not knowing about the dangers before going in?

I don't think Kim is stupid, but I know that he's shortsighted in this case. Over committed to a risky idea and by HIS OWN ESTIMATIONS it set us back over 3 years. Look at commercial predictions. That's on him, IMO.

I hope it all works out, but this is to the point of being above and beyond "Nobody could have known". If you're a GMO company, find a GMO-friendly partner company/country. That's step 1. He skipped step 1.

ADDITION: I agree with you that he's trying now. I wish he would have gone the Work Smart, Not Hard route. That's why amateurs often fail. Blood sweat and tears are no replacement for proper planning and research.

In your experience how long does it take to get a foreign country to allow a GMO into its industry?

If there are no laws and laws need to be written how long does that take? ][/quote]

If it's me? I don't go to that country. If I know I have GMO products, I find a production location with well spelled-out GMO laws. That's the entire crux of my premise.