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09/17/16 7:52 PM

#75904 RE: Beth0515 #75903

There is no value in MDMN anymore. Even it's place as a holding company will be an annoyance to Auryn. MDMN is like a bad case of herpes; once you get it, it never goes away and always flares up at the most inopportune times. However, this time, I think Auryn may have found the cure and it isn't Valtrex. They own the property, know MDMN is run by fraudsters, and will usher them to the door shortly, most likely slamming it hard enough that it will hit the BOD and all the shareholders square in the a**. Auryn has no use for MDMN, it is a worthless shell populated by petulant shareholders. Why would any sane management team want to keep it around? The answer is they wouldn't, ergo, they will find a way to jettison the dead weight.
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09/17/16 8:26 PM

#75905 RE: Beth0515 #75903

How many people at the last meeting had a proxy vote? Why bother going if you can't even vote?
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09/17/16 11:02 PM

#75909 RE: Beth0515 #75903

Like I said they need to be mature adults... in order to decipher the information... and make sound decisions... and then the intelligent ones... will make the right sound decisions...