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09/14/16 7:18 PM

#352682 RE: JosephS #352672

In fact, they could do a "fourth amendment" under these scenarios and put the Senior preferred in front of the debt. If they can change the securities to wipe out all common and preferred, they certainly can decide that this is now "debt" and they need all of the assets of the company and none of the liabilities. Delaware State law doesn't matter in this case. They would not be "issuing new securities", merely "changing the coupon to get the "monies owed" for "helping" America and taking on these huge risks and bailing these companies out. The backstop they gave has an "incaculable value" as Warner and Corker said. The taxpayers can never be paid back for the huge risks taken bailing out these companies. 30 times 200 billion is 6 trillion. Corker and Warner said they would need 40x returns. Perfect way to "achieve this" for "the taxpayer" We don't care about these big, rich bond funds and huge nations that have trillions of dollars. The rich people won't even notice a few trillion.

Since HERA is invincible, it only makes sense that we pay down 5 trillion(or we can use it to fund something)

Those rich people had to have known there were risks to those bonds. Nobody in Congress gave a contract in writing they would be paid in full.


09/14/16 7:39 PM

#352685 RE: JosephS #352672

The debt will NOT trade lower because there is almost no secured debt on the books. Fannie Mae is holding mortgage assets with as much as 29+ years of P & I payments due it, with a default rate at a bit above 1%. That means debt lenders with secured positions are golden. Next come the preferred shareholders in liquidation preference, both senior and junior preferreds.

THEN come the MBS holders whose paper carries a guarantee from Fannie or Freddie. They rank below junior preferred shareholders because their "expectations" for payment are not secured by equity, just the assurances of the GSEs.

We can all argue until the cows come home about the rationale behind this hierarchy of "who comes first"... but the law says pfd shares get paid before MBS bond holders. And debt holders get paid before preferred shareholders. That's the law. And why I own pfd shares... not wanting a goose-egg in my investment account ledger.

NO debt will get dinged here. And very little pfd equity will get dinged, either.