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09/13/16 8:24 PM

#916 RE: tedpeele #915

Appreciate the welcome, tedpeele. I dig hard for companies that show a strong probability of success. I like to get in and stay in for the long haul.

As we're still a little ways out from revenue with CCLX as well, it should just give me the opportunity to gradually add more.

Out of thousands of OTC stocks, I only can find less than 10 at any given time that really stand a strong chance of success without too much downside risk for whatever reason.

CCLX looks great so far. I haven't had the time to dig too deep into this one yet but I like what I aee after an hour of 90 minutes of DD.

Since we seem to reach some similar conclusions about certain OTC stocks, you might consider some DD with IDDR as well. It's definitely looks like another sleeper.


09/13/16 8:33 PM

#917 RE: tedpeele #915


YOUR post got me here..

Great job..

We GOT a winner here..