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09/12/16 3:28 PM

#1987 RE: MattyTrader #1986

true retail is just not the problem here


09/12/16 10:37 PM

#1989 RE: MattyTrader #1986

Watch the history both here and in their news. Goes something like this: Reverse split, everyone buys when they think it's low and "gonna bounce" and then it falls, first into trips, then into single digits making your investment worthless. There are a couple of us on here constantly posting not to buy this stock, but no one listens. Watch this split again or simply stay worthless. On another note, if you look at the facebook page, or the youtube channel where the company suggests people get up to date news, the news is a joke. It means nothing. It's like "oh we released another track that no one pays any attention to and we continue to not make money." Your wish that the company will throw you a bone is sadly going to go nowhere. The company does NOTHING.