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09/15/16 11:59 PM

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Putin’s View Of Trump: A Pushover, A Weaker Version Of Neville Chamberlain

Associated Press

By Paul Abrams
09/11/2016 07:13 pm ET Updated September 12, 2016

The latest joke in our absurd presidential campaign is that Russian President Vladimir Putin sees Donald Trump as a strong leader. This is causing belly-laughs in the Kremlin.

People in Putin’s inner circle say that Putin considers Trump a buffoon, easily manipulated by flattery, without a scintilla of knowledge or depth about the world outside his golf courses. Moreover, Trump’s stated willingness to recognize Putin’s annexation of Crimea, to lift sanctions, not to object to the occupation of an area in Ukraine, to withdraw promises of support for NATO allies in the Baltic, and for NATO as a whole, is the Russian dictator’s dream.

Putin was a big winner in the Brexit vote as it shook the strength of the EU, a rival political power (and was probably bemused at Trump’s happiness that it was good for business of his golf course in Scotland. Geopolitical benefit for Putin vs. more business (perhaps) for Trump’s golf course is, in Trump’s world, a win. Keep that in mind.)

According to Putin insiders, he sees Trump as a weaker, far more ignorant, wholly self-absorbed version of Neville Chamberlain. Easy-pickin’s.

Putin also knows Trump cannot resist a good deal, ie, that benefits him personally. If Trump were president, Putin knows he can offer bargain-basement terms on choice property in Moscow and in St Petersberg, for example, for Trump’s company to build hotels in exchange for geopolitical concessions from the U.S. that have no impact on Trump’s wealth.

And, here’s the kicker: Trump would walk away believing HE got the better of Putin, and brag about it!

Putin, remember, was KGB. He has used psy-ops on U.S. leaders before. Learning that George W. Bush was religious, Putin displayed a cross around his neck at their first meeting, pointing out that his grandmother had given it to him. Soon thereafter, W proclaimed that he had looked into Putin’s eyes, seen his soul, and that he was someone we could work with.

Indeed, Bush, who also looks like Hercules compared to Trump, is an object lesson in claims of “global strength.” When Putin invaded the Republic of Georgia, and took permanent control of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, what did the ‘strong’ Bush Administration do? Nothing. Trump likely has no idea where Georgia is, and has never heard of, and cares nothing for those two other states.

When Putin did the same in Crimea and now occupies part of Ukraine, what did the Obama Administration do? Impose sanctions (those are the ones Trump will lift) of increasing scope, reiterate its commitment to the Baltic States (the ones Trump would betray), and provide aid to the Ukrainian government.

Who acted with more strength, Obama or Bush?

There has been speculation that Putin might not seek another term. But, if Trump were the US President, it is hard to believe that this psyops master would give up on the opportunity of a lifetime, having a U.S. leader literally eating out of his hand with little effort.

Now, of course, Putin must publicly disavow such favoritism, and build up Trump as a tough opponent in order to insure his election.

But there is no reason to believe it. After all, as presidential candidate, Trump has already signaled his readiness to appease Russia, hired a campaign manager who waged another campaign to undermine NATO, and even begged Russia to violate U.S. law to hack the Clinton campaign. And, of course, has undisclosed ties to Russian oligarchs himself.

What more could Putin want? He is licking his chops.

Brace yourselves for an October surprise.

Copyright © 2016, Inc. [with comments]


Mike Pence Wasn’t Always Such A Putin Fan

While in Congress, then-Rep. Mike Pence was a strong critic of Vladimir Putin's treatment of journalists in Russia.
Pence once denounced how journalists are treated in Russia. Now, apparently, he thinks Putin is “a stronger leader than Obama.”
09/12/2016 [with embedded video, and comments]


Nationalist Eastern European Leaders Have A Deeply Troubling Vision For Europe

09/12/2016 [with comments] [original at (with comments)]


CIA Director Challenges Trump’s Claim About Intelligence Briefers’ ‘Body Language’

“We don’t comment on policy. We don’t give policy recommendations,” John Brennan said.
09/12/2016 [with comments]


The Selling of Donald J. Trump

Donald J. Trump during a stop at Goody’s Family Restaurant in Brook Park, Ohio on Monday.
SEPT. 9, 2016 [with comments]


Trump Once Asked For Obama’s Help In A Trade Dispute With China
Trump’s 2011 letter to Commerce Secretary Gary Locke claimed China had a “deceitful culture.”
09/13/2016 Updated September 14, 2016
WASHINGTON - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump asked the Obama administration in 2011 to intervene on his behalf with the Chinese justice system. His complaint went to the heart of Trump’s business empire. A small-time Chinese coffee shop business had registered the word “Trump.”
“I would greatly appreciate someone speaking to the Chinese and Macau representatives to ask them how such a miscarriage of justice could have taken place,” Trump wrote, referring to a ruling that found that Trump could still trademark his name for hotels, but not for restaurants.
“The Trump name resonates throughout the entire world; whether it is from a world class building, my highly rated television show, my dozens of best-selling books, or any of the other products and services which bear my name,” Trump wrote to then-Commerce Secretary Gary Locke. “According to their ignorant council of judges, it appears the only two places in the world I am not well known are China and Macao [sic].”
[...] [with embedded video and scribd-style copy of the Trump letter, and comments]


Multiple Charities Tell WaPo's Fahrenthold They Didn't Receive Donations Trump Foundation Reported To IRS

Oops. I'm a fraud.
David Farenthold [ ] has done a brilliant job of exposing Trump’s grandiose lies about his charitable giving. Now it appears that multiple charities are telling him they never received donations the Trump Foundation claimed on IRS submissions.
[...] [with comments] [h/t Elroy Jetson, (linked in) and following]


The Trump Foundation spent $20,000 on a portrait of Donald Trump

September 11, 2016 [with embedded video, and comment]


Donald Trump used money from his own charity to buy Tim Tebow gear

July 1, 2016 [with comment]


WikiLeaks Feeds Conspiracy Theories That Hillary Clinton Has Parkinson’s Or Head Injury Complications
The whistleblowing platform tweeted and subsequently deleted a poll asking users to speculate.
09/12/2016 [with comments]


Martin Shkreli Taunts Hillary Clinton: ‘Are You Alive?’
Troll has another moment of infamy.
09/12/2016 [with comments], [embedded; with comments]


Hillary’s Pneumonia: The Media’s Lowest Moment

A 68-year-old woman with pneumonia still kept a schedule that most of us wouldn’t make it through. That’s not weak. That’s actually tough as hell.
09/11/2016 Updated September 11, 2016 [with comments]


12 Perfect Responses To Hillary Clinton Being A Human And Getting Sick
After weeks of right-wing speculation about her health, Clinton announced she was diagnosed with pneumonia.
09/12/2016 [with comments]


Mainstream Media Echo Conservatives’ Claim That Clinton’s Pneumonia Legitimizes Their Conspiracy Theories
September 12, 2016 [with comments]


Clinton Body Double Count
#HillarysBodyDouble took over Twitter with claims that lookalike Teresa Barnwell had appeared in New York to impersonate Hillary Clinton after the candidate left a 9/11 event following a medical incident.

Claim: A woman who appeared in New York after Hillary Clinton left a 9/11 memorial service for medical reasons was body double Teresa Barnwell, not Clinton herself.
Sep 12, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s ‘Body Double’ Speaks!



Famous Men Were Fainting Long Before Hillary Clinton
Newsflash: People pass out.
09/14/2016 [with embedded video, and comments]


Congrats, Media. You Just Got Trump’d.

Yeah, this guy looks legit objective.
How did we get here?
09/14/2016 Updated September 14, 2016 [with comments]


Donald Trump’s Dr. Oz Gambit Makes Mockery Of Transparency Norms

And he still won’t release his tax returns.
09/14/2016 [with embedded videos, and comments]


Donald Trump Takes Dig At Hillary Clinton’s Health
“Do you think Hillary would be able to stand up here for an hour and do this? I don’t know. I don’t think so.”
09/14/2016 Updated September 15, 2016 [with embedded video, and comments]


Clinton campaign releases doctor’s letter describing ‘mild’ pneumonia
September 14, 2016
WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. — Hillary Clinton’s campaign released a letter from her doctor Wednesday describing her treatment for “mild” bacterial pneumonia and painting an overall picture of good health in an attempt to put to rest concerns about her medical condition following her illness over the weekend.
The letter [ , ], from Clinton’s doctor, Lisa Bardack, noted that she received a CT scan confirming the pneumonia diagnosis and is now about halfway through a regimen on the antibiotic Levaquin. It came three days after Clinton’s illness caused her to stumble out of a memorial service and forced her off the campaign trail. Clinton’s campaign said the information updates a health history released last year.
“The remainder of her complete physical exam was normal and she is in excellent mental condition,” Bardack wrote in the letter. “She is recovering well with antibiotics and rest. She continues to remain healthy and fit to serve as President of the United States.”
[...] [with embedded videos, and (approaching 4,000) comments]


Donald Trump Releases Results Of His Physical
“He is in excellent physical health,” wrote the nominee’s longtime doctor.
09/15/2016 Updated September 15, 2016 [with embedded video and scribd-style copy of his doctor's letter, and comments]


Donald Trump Jr. Says Releasing Father’s Tax Returns Would Raise Too Many Questions
Donald Trump Jr. says that one reason for not releasing his father’s tax returns ? a tradition followed by every major party presidential candidate in the past 40 years ? is that it would simply invite too much scrutiny from ordinary people.
“He’s got a 12,000-page tax return that would create … financial auditors out of every person in the country asking questions that would detract from [his father’s] main message,” Trump Jr. said [ ] in an interview with the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review published Wednesday.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump [ ] often cites an ongoing IRS audit as the reason he will not make his tax returns public ? but even he recently admitted he could do so “immediately [ ]” if he wanted. Moreover, there is nothing stopping the New York billionaire from releasing returns for previous years not currently under audit. His Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton [ ], has made her returns dating back to 1977 available online.
Last month, Trump’s other son, Eric, gave a similar explanation as to why his father would be better off not releasing his tax returns ? even going so far as to call the move “foolish.”
“You would have a bunch of people who know nothing about taxes trying to look through and trying to come up with assumptions on something they know nothing about. It would be foolish to do,” Eric Trump said [ ] in an interview with CNBC.
[...] [with embedded video report, and comments]


U.S. household incomes soared in 2015, recording biggest gain in decades

In addition, the poverty rate fell by 1.2 percentage points, the steepest decline since 1968.
September 13, 2016 [with comments]

Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance in the United States in 2015

Summary: In 2015, household income grew at the fastest rate on record, the poverty rate fell faster than at any point since 1968, and the uninsured rate continued to fall.
September 13, 2016

A tightening labor market and Obamacare delivered income growth and health coverage to working families in 2015

September 13, 2016 [with comments]


Trump Doubles Down On Personal Attack Against The Federal Reserve

Donald Trump has not been consistent in his position on the Federal Reserve over the course of the campaign.
Fed Chair Janet Yellen should be “ashamed” for keeping interest rates low, the real estate mogul argued.
09/12/2016 [with comments]


This Is What Happens When Your State Government Blocks The Medicaid Expansion

The South is missing out and falling behind.
09/13/2016 Updated September 14, 2016 [with embedded video report, and comments]


The Alt-Right Gives a Press Conference

The Alt-Right Press Conference | Richard Spencer, Peter Brimelow & Jared Taylor
Published on Sep 9, 2016 by Truth Against The World [ , ]
Footage of the Alt-Right Press Conference hosted by:
Richard Spencer, Editor of and President of The National Policy Institute, who coined the term “Alt Right”;
Peter Brimelow, Editor of, author of Alien-Nation and longtime immigration analyst and activist;
Jared Taylor, Editor of American Renaissance, a webzine dedicated to race and its impact on society.
Footage taken from Richard Spencer's Periscope: [with comments]

Richard Spencer, speaking at the alt-right press conference in Washington, D.C.
Photo: Rosie Gray

By Marin Cogan
September 11, 2016 8:51 p.m

On Friday afternoon, Richard Spencer, president of the innocuously named National Policy Institute [ ], a white nationalist think tank, took the podium at a tiny conference room at the Willard Hotel in downtown Washington. Earlier this week, Spencer and his guests, Jared Taylor, editor of the white supremacist site American Renaissance [ ], and Peter Brimelow, of the anti-immigration site VDARE [ ], announced they would hold a discussion called “What is the alt-right?” ahead of Trump’s speech at the Values Voter Summit across town at the Omni Shoreham Hotel.

The alt-right, as you may have heard, is having a bit of a moment. In earlier years, the movement — which combines elements of racism, anti-Semitism, and a general preference for nationalist strongmen over the candidates of either party — was mostly confined to the realm of dark web message boards, 4chan, and obscure blogs. About a year ago, they burst onto the scene and established a new home for themselves in Donald Trump’s campaign. In Trump, they found a candidate uniquely suited to the movement’s interests: funny, eminently meme-able, and promising to fix America’s worst problems through the sheer force of his will. Perhaps most important, they found a man willing to say the racist things no other mainstream politician would. As Trump steamrolled his way through the primaries, the newly emboldened alt-righters emerged as a force on social media. Among their targets were liberals (otherwise known as libtards), Jews, feminists, the media, and insufficiently reactionary conservatives, whom they called “cucks” — an insult that reveals more about the person delivering it than it does the target of the insult.

Still, the alt-right mostly avoided mainstream recognition until last month, when Hillary Clinton took to the national stage to verbally bludgeon Trump for enabling the alt-right’s emergence into mainstream American politics.

They’ve got a logo.

Up until now, the public face of the movement, if you can call it that, has largely been Pepe the frog. Spencer and his fellow alt-righters wanted to seize the moment to explain their beliefs to journalists, but even the logistics were controversial: A few days before the event was to happen, Spencer sent out a press release — complete with a logo spelling AR in triangles, set on a celestial backdrop — advertising the talk as taking place at the National Press Club. The day before the event, though, the press contact announced the alt-right had been dropped from the venue. Spencer, decrying the press club’s censorship, moved it to an undisclosed location owing to unspecified security concerns. When I emailed the press contact asking how to attend, I was directed to go to Old Ebbitt Grill, a lunch spot popular among tourists and downtown D.C. office dwellers, to await instruction. When I arrived, a man wearing a gray suit and brown tie pointed me down the street to the Willard Hotel, where the press conference was being held at the end of an ornately tapestried hall, in the appropriately named Peacock Room.

Jack Posobiec
Excellent Turnout at Alt Right press conference
12:13 PM - 9 Sep 2016
[ (with comments)]

“So, who are we?” Spencer said. “I think if I were to describe what a lot of people know about the alt-right, it’s probably some things they’ve seen online — it’s Pepe memes, it’s the parenthesis,” he said, referring to the practice, first used by anti-Semites but later reclaimed by Jews, of putting parentheses around the names of Jewish writers to signify their ethnicity. “It’s the take-no-prisoners attitude on places like Twitter and things like that. I think people have a superficial understanding about who we are by looking at those things.”

Spencer tried to elaborate: “I don’t think the best way of understanding the alt-right is strictly in terms of policy. I think metapolitics is more important than politics. I think big ideas are more important than policies,” he said. If the alt-right were in power, he argued, the world would be a happier place, and “we all would have arrived here via magnetic levitation trains.” A good mantra that encapsulates the beliefs of the alt-right, he said, is that “race is real, race matters, and race is the foundation of identity. You can’t understand who you are without race.” The refugee crisis in Europe, he said, by way of illustration, “is something like a world war, something like a race war.”

“I would say another aspect of the alt-right is don’t be a cuck. Cuckservative is probably a term that all of you know,” he continued. “This is a term that was organically invented, it came into being on Twitter and other places a year ago — it’s obviously a reference to being a cuckold — raising other people’s children, knowingly or unknowingly. It’s also a reference of the cuckoo bird. The cuckoo bird will fly into another bird’s nest and lay eggs with the other eggs.”

This is, to put it mildly, a very polite gloss on the much more graphic popular conception of what a cuckold is, especially on the internet. And if Spencer, Taylor, and Brimelow were attempting to put a more human face on a social-media movement that has made a name for itself by publishing the most vile shit imaginable, it was going to take a little more work. While Spencer spoke, someone with an alt-right hashtag in their Twitter bio and a background image of a swastika rising like a golden sun over the countryside was adding me to a Twitter list called “cattle cars” — as in, the vehicles used to send Jews to death camps during the Holocaust. Another was inviting his internet friends to “rate this yiddess’s aesthetic.” “The frog is an expression of — it’s a smug frog that’s an expression of someone who’s willing to speak the truth,” he said, as young men in the audience snickered.

Edward-Isaac Dovere
Donald Trump Jr & Roger Stone both put out this pic, w/the winking symbol of white nationalism right at Trump's side
6:17 AM - 11 Sep 2016
[ (with comments)]

But in some ways, Spencer was just the warmup act. After a brief talk from Brimelow, a silver-mop-haired man in a three-piece suit warning of America’s inevitable crackup, Spencer introduced Jared Taylor as the man who “red-pilled me” with his writings about race.

A key thing to know about Taylor — other than that he is a virulent racist — is that he pronounces whites wuh-hites, with extra emphasis on the h. “We have very good data on this subject, going back 100 years now,” said Taylor. “It’s very, very clear that Asians have the highest IQ, then wuh-hites, then Hispanics, then blacks.” Taylor went on like this, noting that the kinds of bacteria that make up a person’s mouth could be used to determine their race, that there was a reason that Haiti and Africa were both poor. The idea that race is a social construct, he said, “is so wrong and so stupid that only very intelligent people could convince themselves of it.” It was the most apt — and ironic — thing that any of them, including Taylor, a Yale graduate, said all afternoon.

5 days ago
Populations are not light bulbs; when one begins to burn out, it cannot be replaced with another and the same light be expected to shine. Massive immigration levels might not be a bad element were we not a society that actively encourages incoming immigrants to maintain their own culture, language, and way of life. The mass immigration project could be successful were it not for multiculturalism being applied simultaneously alongside it. With the abandonment of the demand for assimilation from immigrants, Western cultural decline is inevitable.
Political correctness will not save Westerners from the marginalization of our way of life. We have ceased with the sort of immigration that once characterized the pre-World War II United States. The immigration philosophy of the 21st century is essentially about dissolving nation-states rather than "enriching" them. It is a system that benefits neither the native (who loses his country) nor the newcomer (who remains tied to an intellectually subpar culture and never attains full access to the opportunities of his adoptive country). The neoliberal architects of Mass immigration and E.U.-inspired open borders fail to understand that the prosperity and (albeit imperfect) freedoms of the West are a result of Western culture itself, a threat to that unique culture is a threat to the prosperity and and liberty produced by said culture.
His flaws and inflammatory jargon set aside, Mr. Trump and his Republican presidential campaign knows this; he is the last hope for saving the United States from becoming a post-European society. USUSUS
#altright #altrightmeans #conservative #trump #trumpforpresident #trump2016 #ukip #brexit #immigration #alternativeright #rightwing #gop #election #election2016 #2016 #usa #marinelepen #nationalfront
[ , (with comments)]

If there were ever any real security concerns, they never materialized. In all, the event lasted over two hours, and most of the question-and-answer segment was taken up by alt-right supporters and members of the media asking about Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump. Spencer was happy to oblige. “I don’t think our support of Trump is really about policy at the end of the day. It’s about style over substance. Because, you know, policy, what does that really matter? I think it’s really about Trump’s style, the fact that he doesn’t back down, the fact that he’s willing to confront his enemies, especially on the left ... you look at that and think, this is what a leader looks like, this is what we want,” he said. “He seems to be willing to go there. He seems to be willing to confront people. That’s very different than a cuckold.”

© 2016, New York Media LLC (emphasis in original) [with comments]


Donald Trump Really Wants America To Unite ‘Under One God’

Recent versions of Trump’s stump speech include a call for Americans to unite “under one God.”

So much for religious freedom...

By Nick Wing
09/12/2016 05:06 pm ET | Updated September 13, 2016

Donald Trump [ ] has been working a new closing refrain into his stump speeches over the past week, in which he promises to bring the nation together under a single God.

“We will be one people, under one God, saluting one American flag,” he said Monday at a speech to the National Guard Association in Baltimore. Moments before, he claimed he’d be a “president for all Americans” in an effort to portray himself as more of a uniter than his rival, Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Trump’s “under one God” line may sound like boilerplate presidential campaign rhetoric, even if it is a bit, um, Hitlerian [ ]. (The Nazi Party slogan was “Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer!” ? or, “One people, one empire, one leader!”) But the inclusion of the word “one” is new. A review of transcripts suggests he debuted it last Tuesday during a speech in Greenville, North Carolina [ ], and has since used it in campaign speeches in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [ ]; Pensacola, Florida; and Washington, DC [ (embedded YouTube, {with comments}, included above), ].

Broad overtures to notions of the U.S. as a “Christian nation” built on “Judeo-Christian” values are hardly uncommon in American politics. But a presidential candidate vowing to unite all Americans under “one God” can hardly be viewed as inclusive. Trump’s campaign even capitalized the “One God” phrasing in his prepared remarks for his Pensacola rally.

“By his very nature, Trump is always dividing and excluding. That’s what he does, and that’s what this statement does,” Alan Wolfe, director of Boston College’s Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life, told The Huffington Post.

Trump’s language appears to conflict with the freedom of religion enshrined in the First Amendment, which holds that people in the U.S. have the right to practice whichever religion they choose, or none whatsoever. Many Americans subscribe to polytheistic theologies and may worship many Gods. Followers of monotheistic religions also have differing views about the supreme being they worship. And let’s not forget the growing ranks [ ] of religious “nones,” including atheists, agnostics and others who don’t consider themselves members of a traditional religious affiliation.

Does Trump really expect all of these people to unite “under one God”? The Trump campaign did not respond to a request for clarification.

It seems more likely that Trump isn’t speaking at all to the nearly 30 percent of Americans [ ] who don’t consider themselves Christian. In fact, it’s hard to see his new oratorical coda as anything other than a dog whistle to his base [ ] and specifically white, evangelical Christians, who are often distrustful of other religious groups [ ]. Such a strategy would be consistent with broader themes of Trump’s campaign, which has regularly come under fire for embracing blanket Islamophobia and coddling Christian white supremacists.

It might also be particularly appealing to evangelicals who feel more fervent forms of religious expression have fallen victim to the same political correctness that Trump has railed against throughout his presidential run, said Wolfe.

“Evangelicals have learned that we really don’t talk that way anymore,” he said. “They may do it in private, but their public language tries to reach out, tell people they can be saved in a different kind of way, or that different Gods can equal.”

“But if they believe that only through Jesus lies the path to salvation, then in all honesty they must believe that Jews and other people that don’t make Jesus their primary prophet are not on the path to salvation and will burn in hell,” Wolfe continued.

Trump has ramped up his outreach to evangelical Christians after winning their support in the Republican primaries and subsequent general election polling [ ], despite numerous questions about his views on marriage equality and abortion rights.

Speaking to the Christian conservative Value Voters Summit last week in D.C., Trump promised the audience he’d make it worth their while.

“A lot of people said: I wonder if Donald will get the evangelicals,” he said. “I got the evangelicals. I’m going to make it up to you too, you watch.”

Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence [ ] and is a serial liar [ ], rampant xenophobe [ ], racist [ ], misogynist [ ] and birther [ ] who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S.

Copyright © 2016, Inc. [with comments]


Gov. Matt Bevin

Published on Sep 10, 2016 by FRCAction [ / , ]

Gov. Matt Bevin: Values Voter Summit 2016 [with comments]


KY Gov. Matt Bevin: Election Of Hillary Clinton May Call For Shedding Blood Of 'Tyrants' And 'Patriots'

Submitted by Peter Montgomery on Monday, 9/12/2016 10:21 am

Numerous speakers at last weekend’s Values Voter Summit [ , ] suggested that the American republic might not survive a Hillary Clinton presidency. During the Obama administration it has become almost routine to hear far-right leaders [ ] talk about the possibility of armed revolution against the federal government. But it was still jarring to hear a sitting governor suggest that America might only survive the election of Hillary Clinton through bloodshed.

Matt Bevin [ ], who was elected governor of Kentucky last year [ ] after expressing “absolute” support [ ] for marriage-refusing county clerk Kim Davis, received the Distinguished Christian Statesman [,5223 ] award from the D. James Kennedy Center for Christian Statesmanship [ ] on Friday night. Speaking on Saturday, he told VVS attendees that the country is facing a fork in the road: “We don’t have multiple options; we’re going one way or we’re going the other way, politically, spiritually, morally, economically, from a liberty standpoint. We’re going one way or we’re going the other way.”

Bevin recounted a story from his college days about how he confronted a professor who he said mocked Christianity, the way liberals always do: “They try to silence us. They try to get us to shut our mouths. They try to embarrass us. Don’t be embarrassed. We were not redeemed to have a spirit of timidity.” He urged young people, “Be bold. There’s enough Neville Chamberlains in the world. Be a Winston Churchill…There are quite enough sheep already. Be a shepherd.”

American freedom, Bevin said, was “purchased at an extraordinary price,” saying that one and a half million Americans have given their lives in uniform. “America is worth fighting for. America is worth fighting for, ideologically.”

“I want us to be able to fight ideologically, mentally, spiritually, economically, so that we don’t have to do it physically,” said Bevin. “But that may in fact be the case.” He explained that it might take the shedding of the blood of tyrants and patriots for America to survive a Hillary Clinton presidency:

Somebody asked me yesterday, I did an interview and they said, “Do you think it’s possible, if Hillary Clinton were to win the election, do you think it’s possible that we’ll be able to survive? That we would ever be able to recover as a nation? And while there are people who have stood on this stage and said we would not, I would beg to differ. But I will tell you this: I do think it would be possible, but at what price? At what price? The roots of the tree of liberty are watered by what? The blood, of who? The tyrants to be sure, but who else? The patriots. Whose blood will be shed? It may be that of those in this room. It might be that of our children and grandchildren. I have nine children. It breaks my heart to think that it might be their blood that is needed to redeem something, to reclaim something, that we through our apathy and our indifference have given away.

© 2016 People For the American Way , [as embedded; with comments]


How Republicans Are Inciting Right-Wing Violence After Election Day

In latest incident, Kentucky's governor said a Clinton presidency may necessitate bloodshed

By Lincoln Blades
September 14, 2016

Over the past several days, pundits and voters alike have been up in arms over "careless" comments made by the Democratic and Republican campaigns. Republicans have whipped themselves into a frenzy over Hillary Clinton daring to characterize half of Donald Trump's supporters as a "basket of deplorables [ ]," despite the fact that data supports her claim of Trump's voters being racist xenophobes. (If anything, she underestimated the number [ ].) On the other side of the aisle, Democrats have been hammering Trump's VP pick, Mike Pence, for refusing to fully denounce [ ] former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke. Yet, despite Pence's political cowardice and Clinton's jarring honesty, the most troubling comment of late wasn't made by any of the nominees. It was uttered by Republican Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin, who, in a speech at the Values Voter Summit Saturday [ (above)], said conservatives might have to resort to bloodshed for the nation to "recover" from a Clinton presidency.

"I want us to be able to fight ideologically, mentally, spiritually, economically, so that we don't have to do it physically. But that may, in fact, be the case," he said.

"I do think it would be possible [for the nation to recover], but at what price?" he went on. "The roots of the tree of liberty are watered by what? The blood of who? The tyrants, to be sure, but who else? The patriots. Whose blood will be shed? It may be that of those in this room. It might be that of our children and grandchildren."

Bevin's comments amounted to the dangerous rantings of a treasonous political figure. To see them any other way is to willfully ignore America's history of white, Christian, right-wing violence.

The governor wasn't talking to soccer moms when he talked about shedding blood over a Clinton presidency. He was playing dog-whistle politics at a time when our nation's citizenry includes a growing number of resentful, irrational, heavily armed pseudo-patriots – a basket of deplorables, you might say.

Despite how white conservatives profess to love "law and order," history shows that to be selectively enforced rhetoric. America was established with rifles and gun powder, and then those same tools were used to maintain status-quo subjugation over minority groups for centuries. This violence is how America "negotiated" with Native peoples and created a massive, unpaid, brutalized workforce. It's how America freed itself from British colonial rule, only to ensure said freedom wasn't granted to black folks. It's how America responded to black sharecroppers who attempted to unionize [ ], economically self-sufficient and thriving black communities [ ], black children who tried to integrate into schools [ ], black students who sat at lunch counters with their white neighbors, and black people who simply wanted the right to vote.

But it's how that history of white conservative violence connects with our modern-day society that makes Bevin's comments so alarming. Since Barack Obama was elected president, the number of armed right-wing militias in the country has exploded [ ], from 42 in 2008 to 276 in 2016 – a direct response to a president who doesn't "look like them" or "share their views." Bevin's audience was people who train sniper rifles on federal agents [ ] over "government tyranny" and white supremacists who shoot cops [ ] – without any real interference from the GOP. In fact, the incitement of violence and violent rhetoric have become mainstream in the Republican Party. In this election, the GOP nominee has said he could kill a man in broad daylight and not lose a single vote, has alluded to the assassination of his rival [ ], and has openly courted white supremacists.

So when Bevin, a Republican governor, says the election of a Democratic president could necessitate domestic bloodshed, his audience is already steps ahead of him in terms of extremism; his comments read as just another solution to one of their shared problems.

Fittingly, Bevin's speech referenced the famous Thomas Jefferson quote, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" – which was imprinted on the back of Timothy McVeigh's shirt when he was arrested days after he orchestrated the Oklahoma City bombing.

In response to the obvious backlash to his Values Voter speech, Bevin has attempted to walk back his comments, claiming they were about the military. But it's too late for that. The right people heard what they needed to hear. They heard him loud and clear. 

© Rolling Stone 2016 [with embedded video]


Mika To Kellyanne Conway: We're Still Waiting For Apologies From Donald Trump | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Published on Sep 12, 2016 by MSNBC [ / , ]

Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway reacts to Hillary Clinton's health scare and the campaign’s lack of transparency. Conway also discusses how she found Clinton’s use of “deplorables” offensive and how it wasn’t a gaffe. [with comments]


Watch Donald's Trump's full speech to National Guard in Baltimore

Published on Sep 12, 2016 by PBS NewsHour [ / , ]

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump spoke on Monday in Baltimore to the National Guard.

Text of Trump address to the National Guard Association of the United States
September 12, 2016
The following is the text of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump [ ]'s address Monday to the National Guard Association of the United States annual conference in Baltimore, as prepared for delivery:
[...] [with embedded video, and comments]

Trump wants apology for Clinton 'deplorables' remark
Updated September 12, 2016 [with embedded videos] [comments disabled]


Yes, half of Trump supporters are racist

By Dana Milbank
September 12, 2016

BALTIMORE — Hillary Clinton may have been unwise to say half of Donald Trump’s supporters are racists and other “deplorables.” But she wasn’t wrong.

If anything, when it comes to Trump’s racist support, she might have low-balled the number.

Trump, speaking to the National Guard Association of the United States’ annual conference here Monday afternoon, proclaimed himself “deeply shocked and alarmed” about Clinton putting half of his supporters in the “basket of deplorables”— as if anybody, especially Trump, could be shocked by anything this late in the campaign. How dare she, Trump said, “attack, slander, smear, demean these wonderful, amazing people.”

But this isn’t a matter of gratuitous name-calling. This election has proved that there is much more racism in America than many believed. It came out of hiding in opposition to the first African American president, and it has been welcomed into the open by Trump.

The American National Election Studies, the long-running, extensive poll of American voters, asked voters in 2012 a basic test of prejudice: to rank black and white people on a scale from hardworking to lazy and from intelligent to unintelligent. The researchers found that 62 percent of white people gave black people a lower score in at least one of the attributes. This was a jump in prejudicial attitudes from 2008, when 45 percent of white people expressed negative stereotypes.

This question is a good indicator of how one votes: Republican Mitt Romney won 61 percent of those who expressed negative stereotypes. And, when the question was asked during the 2008 primaries, those with negative racial stereotypes consistently favored Republican candidates — any of them — over any Democratic candidate in hypothetical matchups.

“There is plenty of overt white prejudice,” observes Simon Jackman, who directed the ANES until earlier this year and now runs the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney. “Whites who reported prejudicial beliefs about blacks skewed heavily Republican in 2008 and 2012 — and they will in 2016.”

Clinton’s infelicitous “basket of deplorables” phrase, with echoes of Victor Hugo and Indian castes, takes its place alongside Romney’s “binders full of women” in the awkward pantheon and could only have been devised by a woman who previously gave the world “ladders of opportunity.” But for the large number of racists drawn to Trump, the shoe fits.

In June, the Pew Research Center found that 79 percent of Clinton voters believe the treatment of racial and ethnic minorities is an important issue, while only 42 percent of Trump supporters feel that way. As I wrote previously, earlier Pew research found that Trump supporters were significantly less likely than other Americans (and supporters of other Republican presidential candidates) to think that racial and ethnic diversity improves the United States.

Research by Washington Post pollsters and by University of California at Irvine political scientist Michael Tesler, among others, have found that Trump does best among Americans who express racial animus. Evidence indicates fear that white people are losing ground was the single greatest predictor of support for Trump — more, even, than economic anxiety.

Few people embrace the “racist” label, so let’s help them. If you are “very enthusiastic” about a candidate who has based his campaign on scapegoating immigrants, Latinos and African Americans, talked of banning Muslims from the country, hesitated to disown the Ku Klux Klan and employed anti-Semitic imagery — well, you might be a racist. But if you are holding your nose and supporting Trump only because you think him better than Clinton, that doesn’t put you in the basket.

The new Washington Post-ABC News poll finds the two groups roughly equal: Forty-six percent of Trump supporters say they are “very enthusiastic” about his candidacy. The rest were “somewhat” or not terribly enthusiastic.

There were mostly the latter at the National Guard gathering in Baltimore. Donny Crandell, a pastor from Nevada who serves as a National Guard chaplain, figured the audience was 70-30 for Trump, but with few of the “deplorables.” Said Crandell: “I don’t think you’ll find a lot of military types who are core Trump fans. They just like him better than her.” That includes Crandell, who backed Ted Cruz and would prefer Marco Rubio to Trump, whose “meanness” offends Crandell. “But he’s the choice we have,” the chaplain told me.

Trump, on stage, rejected any notion of racism, saying people who want secure borders “are not racists,” people who warn of “radical Islamic terrorism are not Islamophobes” and people who support police “are not prejudiced.” But moments later, he repeated the campaign slogan he borrowed from an anti-Semitic organization that opposed involvement in World War II.

“America First – remember that,” he said. “America First.”

That’s deplorable.

© 2016 The Washington Post [with embedded videos, and (over 10,000) comments]


Full Show - Clinton Collapses/ Mainstream Media Implodes/ Democratic Party Scrambles - 09/12/2016

Published on Sep 12, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]

On this Monday, September 12 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we analyze the shocking news regarding Hillary’s health after she fainted in public and had to be carried by Secret Service to a vehicle. Will the establishment attempt to suspend the election? Democratic Party operatives are holding a crisis summit during which they will decide what to do given Clinton’s health problems. Psychological expert Dr. Steve Pieczenik explains the campaign’s ongoing cover-up and Pastor James David Manning also joins the show to discuss the election. [with comments]


Mike Pence Refuses To Call David Duke ‘Deplorable’

[ (with comments)]
The vice presidential candidate said he doesn’t want the former KKK grand wizard’s support — but he doesn’t want to call him names either.
09/12/2016 Updated September 12, 2016
Duke praised Pence’s interview performance later on Monday.  
“It’s good to see an individual like Pence and others start to reject this absolute controlled media,” he told BuzzFeed [ ].
Duke also seems to not mind the title “deplorable.” 
“#BasketofDeplorables,” he wrote in a tweet accompanying a highly edited image showing him, Trump and other prominent Trump supporters standing behind a banner reading, “Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.” [with embedded videos, and comments]

Mike Pence Still Refuses to Call David Duke 'Deplorable'
Sep 13, 2016 [with embedded video, and comments]

Don’t Be Shocked. Mike Pence Has Always Been A Bigot.

09/14/2016 Updated September 14, 2016 [with comments]


FULL: Donald Trump rally in Asheville, NC: Rudy Giuliani, Deplorables

Streamed live on Sep 12, 2016 by ABC15 Arizona [ / , ]

Trump supporter appears to hit protester at rally

Published on Sep 12, 2016 by CNN [ / , ]
During Donald Trump's rally in Asheville, North Carolina, a man grabbed a protester by the neck and appeared to hit him in the face. [with comments] [commences with Giuliani's frothing fulminations beginning immediately following his initial 'oh wow dude there's a crowd'; Trump's performance begins at c. the 5:00 mark; with comments] [also at e.g. (with comments), and (with comments)]


NYPD: Muslim Woman Set On Fire Just Before 9/11 Anniversary
Incident may be considered a hate crime.
09/12/2016 Updated September 13, 2016
A Muslim woman wearing religious attire was set on fire in New York City on Saturday night, just hours before the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. 
The woman, a Scottish tourist shopping on Fifth Avenue, noticed her sleeve was on fire and quickly put it out [ ], the New York Daily News reported.
“She saw (the suspect) pull a lighter away and walk away,” a police source told the newspaper. “He doesn’t say anything.”
[...] [with comments]


Donald Trump fans have been sending me racist, hateful messages for months. Here's a sampling.

By Henry J. Gomez
September 12, 2016 updated September 14, 2016 [with (over 4,000) comments]


A Closer Look: Hillary Clinton and the Basket of Deplorables

Published on Sep 13, 2016 by Late Night with Seth Meyers [ / , ]

Seth examines the presidential race's focus on both candidates' health records and the uproar over Hillary Clinton's deplorables comment levied against Donald Trump supporters.

[aired September 12, 2016] [with comments]


‘Black Rifles Matter’ sign in Maine tourist town draws outrage

Linc Sample put up a sign that reads "Black Rifles Matter" on his Boothbay Harbor, Maine, property.
September 13, 2016 [with embedded video report]


Full Show - Inside Polls See Hillary Panicking over Trump Victory - 09/13/2016

Published on Sep 13, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel

On this Tuesday, September 13 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, we look at the fallout from Hillary's worst weekend on the campaign trail, as Democrats prepare contingency plans in case she needs to drop out. In the meantime, Trump called out the former secretary of state's "deplorable" remark to his supporters, and is now seemingly running unopposed. On today's show, we're joined by radio host and author Dr. Michael Savage who breaks down his latest book "Scorched Earth: Restoring the Country After Obama." Also, Trump insider Roger Stone joins us in the third hour to discuss the latest in the epic saga known as the 2016 presidential election. [with comments]


President Obama stumps for Clinton in Philadelphia

Published on Sep 13, 2016 by CBS News [ / , ]

President Obama hit the campaign trail to stump for Hillary Clinton in Philadelphia, while the Democratic nominee recovers from pneumonia. There, he said that Russian president Vladimir Putin is Trump's "role model." See his full remarks here. [with comments]


Colin Powell Calls Trump A “National Disgrace” In Personal Emails

The former secretary of state also blasted the Republican nominee for president for embarking on a “racist” movement, according to his private emails seen by BuzzFeed News.
Sept. 13, 2016
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a retired four-star general who served under three Republican presidents, slammed GOP nominee Donald Trump as a “a national disgrace” and an “international pariah,” according to his personal emails seen by BuzzFeed News.
[...] [with comments] [at/see (linked in) and preceding and following]

Colin Powell Called Benghazi A “Stupid Witch Hunt” — And Condi Rice Agreed

Powell said about the fatal attack on the diplomatic compound in 2012, “basic fault falls on a courageous ambassador who thoughts Libyans now love me and I am ok in this very vulnerable place.”
Sept. 13, 2016 [with comments] [at/see (linked in) and following]


What Trump Supporters Want You to Believe

Damon Winter/The New York Times

By Andrew Rosenthal
SEPT. 13, 2016

Let’s assume, just for the sake of argument, that Donald Trump and his supporters on the deplorable right actually mean what they say and are not just spewing sound bites for fun or attention.

If that’s the case, here are some of the things they want Americans to believe:

• Vladimir Putin, an unabashed dictator who invades other countries, tramples on his people’s civil and human rights, and has the blood of Russian journalists on his hands is the proper role model for an American president.

• Disgruntled right-wingers would be justified to rise in armed rebellion if they don’t like the results in November. Because of course that’s what Thomas Jefferson and the other founding fathers had in mind when they set in motion more than 200 years of peaceful transfer of power.

• Hillary Clinton has a fatal illness and the national media are conspiring to cover it up. (Why have I never been invited to join these conspiracies?)

The list goes on and on, and I have not even mentioned the idea that building walls on our borders and starting trade wars with countries like China would somehow jumpstart the American economy.

Just this past weekend, the Republican governor of Kentucky, Matt Bevin, told the hilariously named “Values Voter Summit” that there could be bloodshed if Clinton is elected this fall.

“The roots of the tree of liberty are watered by what?” he said. “The blood, of who? The tyrants, to be sure, but who else? The patriots. Whose blood will be shed? It may be that of those in this room. It might be that of our children and grandchildren.”

(Bevin was taking some liberties with a quote from Jefferson, who actually said that the blood of patriots is the “manure” of the tree of liberty, which is a better description for Bevin’s comments.)

Bevin went on to talk about Islamic extremists who threaten American freedoms. But he clearly was echoing the view of some extremists, including Trump himself, who have suggested that violence might be an appropriate response to a Clinton victory.

The Republicans call themselves the party of Abraham Lincoln, but seem to have forgotten that Lincoln took the nation to war to put down an illegitimate insurrection by Southern states who objected to his election. Maybe they just remember his suspension of habeas corpus, the kind of steel-fisted governing that Trump admires so much in Putin.

At the town hall meeting last week where Matt Lauer made a national fool of himself, Trump said he admired Putin because he “has very strong control over a country.” He added: “It’s a very different system, and I don’t happen to like the system, but certainly in that system, he’s been a leader. Far more than our president has been a leader.”

This is moral relativism in its most base form. Does Trump believe that Stalin, Mao and Hitler were even greater leaders? They had “very strong control” — even if the systems they ran were mind-bogglingly brutal. They also were, ultimately, failures. Putin is such a good leader that he has presided over the economic collapse of his country.

A presidential candidate’s health, meanwhile, is actually relevant to voters. But it’s hard to believe that Clinton’s attackers really care about that. Questioning her physical well-being is just another way to throw mud at her.

The ideas that have turned this election into such a farce are not just dangerous and appalling by the standards of American democracy and political traditions. They also violate just about every principle the Republican conservatives have been voicing since the days of Ronald Reagan, whom the Grand Old Party still claims as its icon.

(I can just imagine Trump in Reagan’s place, standing in Berlin and yelling “Mr. Gorbachev, nice wall!”)

The situation has gotten so dire, Politico reported recently [ ], that former President George W. Bush told a reunion of members of his staff in April: “I’m worried that I will be the last Republican president.”

Actually, the Republican Party that Reagan built has been moribund since the rise of the Tea Party and the do-nothing Congress led by Mitch McConnell and John Boehner. If Trump finally kills it with his conspiracy-mongering, immigrant-bashing, race-baiting and Kremlin-loving, it will just be a coup de grâce.

© 2016 The New York Times Company [with comments]


Veteran Federal Judge Blasts Ruling That Will Disenfranchise Poor, Black Ohio Voters

First appointed to the federal bench in the 1960s, U.S. Circuit Judge Damon Keith issued a forceful dissent in a ruling that will likely erect barriers for African-American voters.

Excerpt from an 11-page gallery of civil rights martyrs published in Judge Keith’s dissenting opinion in Northeast Ohio Coalition v. Husted, issued Sept. 13.
Appointed in the apex of the civil rights era, Damon Keith gave his own court a haunting reminder of a history he knows well.
A divided appeals court on Tuesday largely rejected a challenge [ ] to a set of voting requirements that will quite likely make it harder for poor, black Ohioans to have their ballots counted this election cycle.
But the ruling likely won’t be remembered for how the majority ruled, but for how a long-serving federal judge, first appointed to the bench by President Lyndon B. Johnson, took his colleagues to task for not treating the Ohio voting requirements as a naked effort to suppress the black vote.
“By denying the most vulnerable the right to vote, the Majority shuts minorities out of our political process,” wrote U.S. Circuit Judge Damon Keith in a remarkable 38-page dissent [ ] in the case, Northeast Coalition for the Homeless v. Husted. “I am deeply saddened and distraught by the court’s deliberate decision to reverse the progress of history,” he added.
On a 2-to-1 vote, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit tossed claims that the restrictions [id.] - which impose a series of technical rules on those casting provisional and absentee ballots - violate the Constitution and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
At issue in the case were two Republican-backed laws that required county election officials to invalidate provisional and absentee ballots [ ] that did not correctly list a voter’s address or date of birth. The laws also limited poll-worker assistance to voters and shortened the time after Election Day that citizens casting provisional ballots have to certify their identity.
A coalition of homeless rights advocates and Ohio Democratic groups challenged the laws in court, and a federal judge in June ruled that erecting these voting barriers was unconstitutional and a burden on the right to vote [ ] of a subset of African-American voters.
But the 6th Circuit on Tuesday reversed that ruling in significant respects, noting that the lower court judge used the wrong legal standard when deciding the case.
[...] [with comments]


Bill O’Reilly Defends Voter ID Laws: ‘Every African-American I Know Has An ID’
Talk show host claims restrictions don’t hurt minority voters.
09/14/2016 Updated September 14, 2016 [with embedded video, and comments], [same as the embedded video; no comments yet]


Full Show - Trump Blamed for Dinosaur Extinction - 09/14/2016

Published on Sep 14, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel

On this Wednesday, September 14 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, radio host and co-founder of Vice Media, Gavin McInnes, joins the broadcast to discuss election 2016 and SJW culture. Also on today's show, author and activist Mark Dice talks about Hillary's failing health, as well as his most recent YouTube video. On this broadcast, we will cover the recent hacked emails, exposed by Guccifer 2.0, which show Colin Powell discussing Clinton's poor health back in 2015. We look at a Russian T.V. host who warned the elite may kill Donald Trump.

Making babies without eggs may be possible, say scientists

Scientists say early experiments suggest it may one day be possible to make babies without using eggs.
13 September 2016

‘Motherless babies!’ How to create a tabloid science headline in five easy steps

Still required, a human egg cell.
Sep. 14, 2016 [with comments]

Indiana fertility doctor secretly uses own sperm to artificially inseminate patients
September 12, 2016

Fertility Doctor Used own Sperm 'Around 50 Times,' Papers say

[ ]
Woman discovers 8 unknown siblings
09/14 2016 Updated 09/14 2016 [with comments]


Lewis Black on Donald Trump and Election News Coverage

Published on Sep 15, 2016 by Late Night with Seth Meyers

Lewis Black thinks Donald Trump is making it hard for comedians now that the news is already funny, and he has a message for supporters.

[aired September 14, 2016] [with comments]


Mormon Church Leaders: There’s An Easy Fix To Prevent Mormon LGBT Teen Suicides

09/14/2016 Updated September 15, 2016
On November 5, 2015 the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church) issued a new and extreme anti-gay edict [ ] banning same-sex married couples and their children from the Church. During the past 10 months, there have been scores of Mormon LGBT teenagers who have committed suicide [ ] because of it.
The Church’s latest hateful anti-LGBT policy was actually leaked by someone inside the Mormon Church, causing its PR department to scramble. The resulting “policy change” states that the children of legally married same-sex parents are not allowed to be members of the Mormon Church until they turn 18 years old. Then they will be forced to choose between their parents who raised them and their Church. If they choose the Mormon Church, they would have to renounce their parents and their parent’s sexual orientation. Wow.
[...] [with comments]


Suspect in mosque fire had made anti-Islamic Facebook posts

Published September 15, 2016

FORT PIERCE, Fla. (Associated Press) –  About two months before Joseph Michael Schreiber allegedly tried to burn down a mosque sometimes attended by Orlando nightclub shooter Omar Mateen, he posted on Facebook that "All Islam is radical" and that all Muslims should be treated as terrorists and criminals.

Schreiber, 32, was arrested without incident Wednesday afternoon and was being interrogated by investigators looking into the fire set late Sunday at the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce, said Maj. David Thompson of the St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office.

A July post placed on Facebook by Schreiber, who is Jewish, stated that, "IF AMERICA truly wants peace and safety and pursuit of happiness they should consider all forms of ISLAM as radical. ... ALL ISLAM IS RADICAL, and should be considered TERRORIST AND CRIMANALS (sic) and all hoo (sic) participate in such activity should be found guilty of WAR CRIM (sic) until law and order is restored in this beautiful free country."

Thompson told a news conference that Schreiber, who has a criminal record, was taken into custody on a street in Fort Pierce by authorities acting on tips from members of the community and aided by surveillance video taken from the mosque and elsewhere. He said the arson charge, coupled with a hate crime enhancement under Florida law, carries a sentence of up to 30 years in prison. Thompson said detectives were still questioning Schreiber on Wednesday evening, and he didn't say if Schreiber had a lawyer.

The fire was set late Sunday on the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The blaze also coincided with the Muslim holiday Eid al-Adha. No one was injured in the fire, which burned a 10-by-10-foot hole in the roof at the back of the mosque's main building and blackened its eaves with soot.

Thompson said a search warrant was executed at Schreiber's home, where investigators reported finding evidence linked to the arson, as well as anti-Islamic social media posts.

Wilfredo Amr Ruiz, a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations-Florida, said Schreiber "obviously doesn't know about the efforts our community is engaged in with our cousins, the Jews, not only in Florida but throughout the nation."

Omar Saleh, an attorney for CAIR, described both Schreiber and Mateen as "degenerates" and "punks."

"Just like on June 12, when I was stressing that Mateen's actions do not speak on behalf of Islam, I know that whatever religion Mr. Schreiber is, his actions do not speak on behalf of his religion," Saleh said.

Mateen was killed by police after opening fire at the Pulse nightclub on June 12 in a rampage that left 49 victims dead and 53 wounded, making it the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history. Mateen professed allegiance to the Islamic State group. His father is among roughly 100 people who attend the mosque.

Schreiber was previously sentenced twice to state prison for theft, according to records from the Florida Department of Corrections. The records show he served his first sentence from March 2008 to July 2009 and his second from June 2010 to August 2014.

A weekend surveillance video from the mosque showed a man on a motorcycle approaching the building with a bottle of liquid and some papers, then leaving when there was a flash and shaking his hand as though he may have burned it, Thompson said. The first 911 calls were made about 45 minutes later after the fire had spread to the attic. It took about four-and-a-half hours for firefighters to extinguish the blaze.

The FBI and the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives joined the investigation into the fire. Sheriff's officials had released the video and asked for the public's help in identifying the arsonist.

Rabbi Bruce Benson, a chaplain with the Port St. Lucie Police Department, was outside Schreiber's home Wednesday night. He said Schreiber attended his synagogue for about a month last spring to study the Torah, but left little impression, and gave no indication he might act violently in the future.

Benson said Schreiber's father showed up at his office Wednesday afternoon after his son was arrested, even though he wasn't a member of his synagogue.

"I guess he didn't know where else to go," Benson said, adding that Schreiber's parents are "shocked, just like any of us would be if it were our child."

Benson said his reform synagogue, Temple Beth El Israel, has tried unsuccessfully in the past to reach out to the mosque.

"We would welcome the opportunity," Benson said. "They're a community feeling under attack. If we could all talk a bit, maybe things like this wouldn't have to happen."

The fire was part of an escalating series of threats and violence perpetuated against the mosque and its members, Ruiz said. He said the mosque began receiving threatening phone calls shortly after the Pulse massacre. And in July, he said, a member was punched in the face as he arrived for morning prayers.

Sunday's fire has left the mosque's members "saddened and scared," said assistant imam Hamaad Rahman.

© 2016 Associated Press [also at e.g. (with embedded video report)]


Detectives: Suspect in Florida mosque fire confessed

This undated booking photo released by the St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office shows Joseph Michael Schreiber following his arrest.
Sep. 15, 2016 [with embedded video report]


Donald Trump Wants Peter Thiel On The Supreme Court, Sources Say

Billionaire tech investor Peter Thiel spoke at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland this summer. Sources say GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump would nominate Thiel to the Supreme Court.
Carolyn Kaster/Associated Press

The eccentric billionaire endorsed Trump in a speech at the Republican National Convention this summer.

By Ben Walsh
09/15/2016 06:00 am ET | Updated September 15, 2016

Donald Trump [ ] has made it clear he will nominate Peter Thiel to the Supreme Court if he wins the presidency, Thiel has told friends, according to a source close to the PayPal co-founder.

Trump “deeply loves Peter Thiel,” and people in the real estate mogul’s inner circle are talking about Thiel as a Supreme Court nominee, a separate source close to Trump told The Huffington Post. That source, who has not spoken to Trump directly about Thiel being nominated to the Court, cautioned that Trump’s offers often fail to materialize in real life.

It’s not clear whether Trump has indeed offered to nominate Thiel - only that Thiel has said Trump would nominate him and that Trump’s team has discussed Thiel as a possible nominee. Both sources requested anonymity, given that Trump and Thiel have each demonstrated a willingness to seek revenge against parties they feel have wronged them. In Thiel’s case, he secretly financed lawsuits against with the intention of destroying the publication. He succeeded, and his role in the assault was only revealed [ ] in the final stages.

Trump’s press secretary, Hope Hicks, denied that Thiel had been offered a seat on the Supreme Court or that the campaign was discussing the idea. “There is absolutely no truth to this whatsoever,” she told HuffPost.

“Peter hasn’t had any conversations about a Supreme Court nomination and has no interest in the job,” said Thiel spokesman Jeremiah Hall.

Were Trump to actually nominate Thiel, he would be by far the richest Supreme Court nominee of the modern era, with an estimated net worth of $2.7 billion [ ].

Thiel is a venture capitalist who co-founded the CIA-backed data-mining firm Palantir in addition to PayPal. He also started a now-withered hedge fund and was the first outside investor in Facebook. He is a Facebook board member and the chairman of Palantir.

Thiel attended Stanford Law School and worked at Sullivan & Cromwell, a prestigious New York law firm, for seven months. If nominated and confirmed, he would be the first openly gay member of the Court.

Trump has said [ ] that Republicans who don’t like him “have to vote for me anyway. You know why? Supreme Court judges.” On the campaign trail, he’s praised the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and said he would appoint jurists in his mold.

Trump released a list of 11 potential Supreme Court nominees in May [ ]. The list, which consisted entirely of sitting state and federal judges with years of experience on the bench, wasn’t intended to be definitive. Rather, it was a “guide,” Trump said [ ], that was meant to be “representative of the kind of constitutional principles I value.”

A gay tech billionaire who supports marriage equality, Thiel is a self-described libertarian and pursues quixotic projects like government-free sea colonies and infinite life extension. He would be a radical departure from the nominees on Trump’s list, but his nomination would be in keeping with Trump’s willingness to make unorthodox, contradictory decisions.

Thiel is deeply conservative, however, and his more fanciful ideas can sometimes obscure his support for broadly mainline Republican policies and candidates. Thiel has given millions of dollars in total to candidates like Ron Paul, Ted Cruz [ ] and Carly Fiorina. Like Trump, Thiel’s core political belief appears to be that his financial success validates his ideas.

In a 2009 essay, Thiel wrote [ ]: “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.” Part of the reason for that incompatibility, Thiel argued, was that women had gained the right to vote and that the government sometimes helps poor people.

“Since 1920,” he wrote, “the vast increase in welfare beneficiaries and the extension of the franchise to women — two constituencies that are notoriously tough for libertarians — have rendered the notion of ‘capitalist democracy’ into an oxymoron.” (He later clarified his comments [ ], saying he didn’t want to disenfranchise anyone.)

In his 2014 book Zero to One, Thiel praised monopolies [ ], arguing that competition destroys value rather than creating it. He also wrote about applying for clerkships with Scalia and Justice Anthony Kennedy as a younger man. Both justices ultimately turned him down.

“If only I got the clerkship, I thought, I would be set for life,” he wrote [ ]. “But I didn’t. At the time, I was devastated.” Thiel explained that the rejection helped set him on the path to becoming an investor.

UPDATE: 12:50 p.m. - After this story was published Thursday morning, Hall went beyond his initial comments, issuing the following statement to Forbes [ ] and HuffPost: “Huffington Post’s sources are lying. The truth is Peter hasn’t had any conversations about a Supreme Court nomination and has no interest in the job.”

Cristian Farias contributed reporting.

Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence [ ] and is a serial liar [ ], rampant xenophobe [ ], racist [ ], misogynist [ ] and birther [ ] who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S.

Copyright © 2016, Inc. [with comments]


California high school teacher lowers grade of Native American student who sat in protest during Pledge of Allegiance

Leilani Thomas is a high school student of Native American descent who is attending Lower Lake High School in Northern California.
• Leilani Thomas of Lower Lake, California, has been protesting the American flag since second grade
• Thomas, a Native American, says she cannot support the flag 'because of the history that happened here...on my people's land'
• When a teacher penalized her and another student for their stance, she recorded the explanation given and then complained to administrators
• District superintendent offered Thomas and the other student full support, saying they were entitled to freedom of speech in the classroom
• School officials say there will be 'consequences' for the teacher's actions
15 September 2016 | Updated: 15 September 2016 [with comments]


Donald Trump Says Much Needs To Be ‘Investigated’ In Climate Science

Climate change, schlimate change.
But mostly he just avoids the question.
09/13/2016 Updated September 13, 2016
WASHINGTON ? Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump [ ] says there is “still much that needs to be investigated in the field of ‘climate change.’” (Scare quotes his.)
Trump, who has previously said that climate change is a Chinese hoax [ ], mostly avoided the climate question in a candidate forum on science policy released Tuesday. Rather than answer a question about what should be done to address it, Trump raised some hypotheticals:
"Perhaps the best use of our limited financial resources should be in dealing with making sure that every person in the world has clean water. Perhaps we should focus on eliminating lingering diseases around the world like malaria. Perhaps we should focus on efforts to increase food production to keep pace with an ever-growing world population. Perhaps we should be focused on developing energy sources and power production that alleviates the need for dependence on fossil fuels. We must decide on how best to proceed so that we can make lives better, safer and more prosperous."
Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton [ ], on the other hand, said that the science on climate change “is crystal clear,” and that it is a “defining challenge of our time.” She noted her goals of generating half of U.S. electricity from clean energy sources, installing half a billion solar panels in her first term, and cutting U.S. oil consumption by a third.
Climate change was one of 20 issues that [ ] ? a nonpartisan effort from a group of scientific and professional societies, universities and Scientific American magazine ? asked the presidential candidates [ ] to weigh in on. 
[...] [with comments]


August Was The Hottest Month Ever Recorded. Again.

India recorded its hottest temperature ever [ ] on May 19: 51 degrees Celcius, in the city of Phalodi, in the northwestern state of Rajasthan. The heat caused caused this lake in Ahmadabad to dry up.

Climate change makes occurrences like the devastating August floods in Louisiana — the worst natural disaster in the U.S. since Hurricane Sandy in 2012 — at least 40 percent more likely, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Here’s why you should care about the recurring record temperatures.
09/13/2016 Updated September 13, 2016
Surprise, surprise: Last month was the hottest August ever recorded, marking the 11th straight month that global heat records have been shattered, according to NASA data.
The agency broke the bad, though perhaps not entirely unexpected [ ], news on Monday. August had a global average surface temperature of about 1.76 degrees Fahrenheit above average, NASA said. It also tied with July as the warmest month ever recorded [ ] since record-keeping began in 1880.
“We are well on our way to the warmest year recorded,” the Union of Concerned Scientists wrote in an email to The Huffington Post this week.
If deemed the hottest year ever, 2016 will be the third year in a row [ ] to boast this unfortunate title.
[...] [with comments]


Climate Change Poses ‘Significant Risk’ To U.S. Military, Reports Find

Sailors aboard the aircraft carrier USS George Washington man the rails as the ship pulls out of Hong Kong.
[ ]

“Inaction is not a viable option.”
09/14/2016 Updated September 14, 2016
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The effects of climate change endanger U.S. military operations and could increase the danger of international conflict, according to three new documents endorsed by retired top U.S. military officers and former national security officials.
“There are few easy answers, but one thing is clear: the current trajectory of climatic change presents a strategically-significant risk to U.S. national security, and inaction is not a viable option,” said a statement published on Wednesday by the Center for Climate and Security, a Washington-based think tank.
It was signed by more than a dozen former senior military and national security officials, including retired General Anthony Zinni, former commander of the U.S. Central Command, and retired Admiral Samuel Locklear, head of the Pacific Command until last year.
They called on the next U.S. president to create a cabinet level position to deal with climate change and its impact on national security.
[...] [with comments] [original at ]


A weather rarity: Tropical Storm Julia forms over land
Updated September 15, 2016 [with embedded video report]

Julia, 'Weirdest Tropical Storm of the Year,' Parks Off Atlantic Coast
Sep 14 2016
Tropical Storm Julia, a small weather system parked along the southeastern Atlantic coast, wouldn't be especially noteworthy except for one thing: There's never been another storm like it — at least since record-keeping started.
But here's why Julia's notable: When it formed Tuesday night over the Jacksonville, Fla., area, it formed OVER the Jacksonville, Fla., area — the first time in recorded history that a tropical storm has formed over land in Florida.
[...] [with embedded video report, and comments]


Larger marine animals at higher risk of extinction, and humans are to blame, Stanford-led study finds
In today’s oceans, larger-bodied marine animals are more likely to become extinct than smaller creatures, according to a Stanford-led report. It’s a pattern that is unprecedented in the history of life on Earth, and one that is likely driven by human fishing.
September 14, 2016 , [embedded; with comments]

What the ‘sixth extinction’ will look like in the oceans: The largest species die off first

Atlantic bluefin tuna are corralled by fishing nets during the opening of the season in 2011 for tuna fishing off the coast of Barbate, Cadiz province, southern Spain.
September 14, 2016 [with embedded videos, and comments]


Trump’s Maternity Leave Plan Is His Biggest Insult To Women Yet

Donald Trump, wife Melania Trump and baby Barron Trump.

Hillary Clinton’s paid leave proposal, by contrast, offers 12 weeks of time off and would be available to men and women.
It confirms once again his antiquated, sexist worldview.
09/14/2016 Updated September 14, 2016


Ivanka Trump went on national TV and lied about Hillary Clinton’s childcare policies

They’re on Hillary Clinton’s website.
Sep 14, 2016 [with comments], [embedded; with comments]


Ivanka Trump Gets Defensive Over Her Father’s Past Comments About Pregnancy

“I don’t know that he said those comments.”
Ivanka Trump [ ], executive and daughter of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump [ ], got defensive over her father’s past comments about pregnancy during an interview with Cosmopolitan [ ] on Wednesday.
After Donald Trump unveiled a proposed child care and maternity policy [ ] this week, Cosmo’s Prachi Gupta asked Ivanka about comments her father made in 2004 [ ], when he said pregnancy is “certainly an inconvenience for a business.”
“Whether people want to say that or not, the fact is it is an inconvenience for a person that is running a business,” Donald Trump told “Dateline NBC” then.
Ivanka Trump wouldn’t acknowledge that her father had made that statement.
“Well, you said he made those comments,” she told Cosmo. “I don’t know that he said those comments.”
Ivanka also accused Gupta of editorializing and having “a lot of negativity” in her questions. She ended the interview soon after, saying: “I’m going to jump off, I have to run. I apologize.”
Throughout the interview, Ivanka touted her father’s plan as a good option, saying there are “no proposals on the table” from anyone else when it comes to child care.
[...] [with embedded video, and comments]


Not All Trump Hotels Provide Paid Maternity Leave, Despite Ivanka Trump’s Claim
This complicates the GOP nominee’s new policy push.
09/14/2016 Updated September 15, 2016 [with embedded video, and comments]


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