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09/07/16 3:41 AM

#11915 RE: kommisar7 #11912


MELBOURNE, Australia, Aug 04, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Kibush Capital Corporation (DLCR) announced today that its subsidiary company Aqua Mining (PNG) Ltd has lodged an application with the Timber Authority (TA) of Papua New Guinea for 2,000 hectares in Kubuna, Central Province District, Papua New Guinea, 75 kilometers North North East from Port Moresby.
Including the 2,000 hectares included in the Kubuna TA application, Aqua Mining has more than 40,000 hectares of primary forest under contract for commercialization with the landowners of such property over time and subject to TA approval. With this initial TA application in Kubuna, we expect a resource recovery of 12 cubic meters per hectare, and a sale price of $750 USD per cubic meter, for a total of $18,000,000 USD in total revenue from this area. We expect logging operations on the Kubuna property to commence on or about September, 2016 and we expect that this TA will produce around 300 cubic meters per month, allowing for weather that may hinder operations during the wet seasons.
As previously announced, we also have a TA application pending for 2000 hectares in Kwikila Station, Rigo District, 55 kilometers East from Port Moresby (Rigo). The Rigo application was on the agenda for approval at the TA meeting scheduled for August 3, 2016, but that meeting was postponed until August 10, 2016. That delay allows for both the Rigo application and the Kubuna application to be heard on August 10, 2016. We expect that both the Kubuna and the Rigo applications will be approved at that time.

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09/07/16 4:50 AM

#11917 RE: kommisar7 #11912

"Before anyone asks me anything dubious, call him yourself for YOUR answers. " I posted this @ the bottom of my message because I am working hard to complete this DD and then I have to answer to the authenticity of my DD?

Quite frankly I call rubbish that you ever have attempted to call the CEO during business hours in Australia. When I called the first time and he wasn't there, his secretary answered. Why didn't she answer for you? Because you probably called during Americas Market hours and its freaking night time in Australia then. Second, I have wrote emails that the CEO did not respond to and once again his exact words were "it's impossible to answer all the investor inquiries I have received". I've never laid claim to hear back from him and quite frankly I called him because I was tired of waiting on an email response.

FYI, not trying to be a dick, but I hardly understand what you are writing on here half the time and maybe the CEO doesn't understand your English? Just food for thought when you are dealing with folks who speak English
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09/07/16 7:08 AM

#11935 RE: kommisar7 #11912

The site has a disclaimer that covers ever user. Do your DD. Good luck wasting your money to get a sudpeona of a poster that is covered legally by the site disclaimer!
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09/07/16 8:58 AM

#11959 RE: kommisar7 #11912

I received no emails but I've spoke with him as well. I can confirm all that roe has reported is accurate , and has not changed in anyway since I received the same info. The CEO is busy and that is a good thing, having the time to respond to hundreds emails is not.