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08/25/16 2:35 PM

#82464 RE: fuente #82457

And that was just Kelly and just two of the years. Deals like hers were made for other family members and friends. You are 100% correct, and the financing was always making their friends and family millions while most shareholders lost.

Now you see some say they had anemic advertising budgets. Heck just Kelly Alone could have sponsored a very nice advertising deal with just her 9 Million only those two years. Notice they didnt. A ton of money was taken out by using the gimmick and OTC company as its front. Happens all the time. They just got caught. And the SEC isnt doing this as a fire drill. This is real legal abuse and against the law. And its not the first time and the SEC is also making sure they state that. This isnt getting a tiny slap on the wrist this time.

But its very plain to see that these millions taken by family and friends surely didnt go back into the company as the financials clearly show how bad it is. The Whelans never cared if this got approval. They made millions and it never has to see FDA clearance.

And for anyone saying this wasnt a bad thing, lets put it to real numbers. In 2009 while they were taking the $6 Million for just Kelly, and just that one year, the pps was .122 and had around a billion shares. Today is a 12 Billion O/S out of 15 Billion and is .0008. So anyone can see they destroyed this company off the backs of shareholders. And most know Andrew is an 80 year old man. And he lived off millions. So a very successful pinky company for him so far.