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08/22/16 11:25 AM

#39947 RE: samsamsamiam #39945

Ken Manzo got thrown under the bus by Ray Barton - as he didn't know squat about the securities or legal end of things.

I disagree. Barton was thrown under the bus by Kenny! Kenny made sure he got all assets (what few there were), leaving Barton with nothing left to try to pump. MNZO is a zombie stock. The equivalent to an empty shell.

Kenny knew the scam game he was playing. He played it with Barton in MDIN. What he apparently fell short of was knowledge about Rule 144. Dumping in MDIN when he shouldn't have. Probably repeating the exercise in MNZO. Hopefully Kenny got some more money from Bart, in exchange for a boatload of stock the last quarter. Which as you point out will never be reported. Bart under the bus.