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08/20/16 12:04 PM

#10693 RE: gfp927z #10692

===would be ideal for carrying===

Yikes, you must be big people! those things are several inches thick, at least the ones i've seen. maybe in winter with big coats on, but yikes, not in a tee shirt in the heat!!!!

the remington .380 is tiny, 6 round, lots of ammo around now, personal protection rounds aval. they also make a 9 that is just a bit bigger. the .380 sits in my top pocket all day and i barley notice if it's not there, sometimes taking hours after i had taken it out to wash my face or something, before i even notice.

shirt pocket, easy in, easy out, no holster needed. alternate bullets in clip, hard point solid, then ppr.

sleep with under pillow for years, never know it's there,

not meant to take down bear, just cover fire as folks will almost always look for cover if someone is firing back, while i go get something they would wish i didn't have....

anyway, hope i never have to face a judge down as those things look freaking awesome!!!

take care.
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08/21/16 12:17 AM

#10696 RE: gfp927z #10692

gfp: Thanks. I always appreciate your take on weapons and ammo. You really seem to know your stuff. I'm a rank amateur in that department.

Don't be too quick to assume Reptillary's coronation. This was a good week for Trump. His speeches in Milwaukee and his appearance in Louisiana were both big positives. He came off very Presidential in Louisiana, especially when juxtaposed against the effete Obozo golfing in Martha's Vineyard with Larry David and Reptillary having to take a long weekend to "rest". People are starting to pay attention to her health problems and lack of vitality. That issue is gaining traction. Her corruption issues are also taking their toll. If the "new" Trump can keep this up he can pull this off. Odds are still against him, but he's gaining ground fast. His appeal to blacks is interesting. He is never going to win the majority of the black vote. But him questioning what their loyalty to the Democrat Party has gained them in the last 50 years might lead to a lighter turnout or even a small but significant percentage peeling off the Democrat reservation and casting a Republican vote. And remember, Trump hasn't run any add campaign ads to speak of. He's keeping his powder dry for a post Labor Day push, when more people start to really pay attention. And the wild card in all this is who has what hacked e-mails and whether they will be released when they can cause the most damage to Reptillary. If Guccifer 2.0 or Russia has smoking gun e-mails you can bet Assange will be releasing them to hurt Reptillary. Russia wants no part of that war-monger neocon with her crippled, wrinkled fingers on the nuke buttons. I look around Liberal Austin. Rare is the house with a Reptillary sign. I can't remember seeing a single bumper sticker for her yet. Whereas back in 2008 the Obozo signs and bumper stickers were everywhere. There is NO enthusiasm for this crone. The true committed leftists are still angry about how Phony Bernie got jobbed by the DNC and they are just as likely to support Jill Stein as vote for the witch. I'm telling you, the wicked witch of Chappaqua is not a shoe in. Deep down a lot of people are pissed at the US Government. I would say that the enthusiasm factor is stronger on the Republican side. Our hatred for Reptillary is far stronger than the libtards enthusiasm for the crone. Turnout will be the key. And a strong presence of sharp poll watchers to fight the historical tendency of Democrats to commit voter fraud.
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08/21/16 12:47 AM

#10698 RE: gfp927z #10692

gfp: Talk about timing....I just saw this article which pretty much echoes what I said about the upcoming run on ammo:
"There's Going To Be A Massive Run On Firearms" If A Hillary Win Is Imminent

Submitted via Mac Slavo via

Survival Expert James Rawles Warns: “There’s Going To Be A Massive Run On Firearms… Bigger Than Anything We’ve Ever Seen Before” If Hillary Win Is Imminent

James Wesley Rawles is a former intelligence officer of the United States Army, prolific author and one of the top survival experts in the world. In his best-selling book series Patriots he paints a terrifying picture of a post-collapse America where food is scarce, currency is worthless, law and order have broken down, and survival is a daily struggle. It’s a fictional tale, of course, but one that is grounded in real-world possibilities.

In his latest interview with SGT Report, the founder breaks down the probability of such a scenario and explains that should it come to pass, where hyperinflation destroys our currency or a world war ravages America, the most important thing to have in your possession will be essential tangible assets.

Further, Rawles notes that as we get closer to the possibility of a Hillary Clinton Presidency, we may soon see panic buying of firearms, ammunition and gun-related accessories.

Venezuela is a microcosm of a centrally planned government and currency run amok… and we need to learn from their example.

If you notice the things that people are clamoring for are tangibles… they’re looking for food and they’re looking for currencies that are inflation proof and that usually means precious metals.

So if we’re going to learn anything from Venezuela it’s tangibles, tangibles, tangibles.

…Wake up… watch what’s happening in Venezuela… you need to get your beans, bullets and band aids squared away… Those tangible items are going to be what pulls your family through the hard times ahead. And regardless of what happens to currencies, if you have a honest one year supply of food, preferably two years, and a good core position in physical precious metals that you hold at home… hidden… not in a bank because banks are vulnerable to banking holidays where they would limit or eliminate access to your safe deposit box…

If you have those tangibles… food, silver and my other favorite is common caliber ammunition… that’s the other thing you should really stock up on heavily.

I have a feeling that as we get closer to the election and if it looks like the poll numbers are leaning to Hillary winning there’s going to be a massive run on firearms… bigger than anything we’ve ever seen before… and along with that people are going to be rushing to buy any ammunition they can, reloading components and full capacity magazines.
If you want to survive a collapse scenario this is a must-listen interview: