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08/13/16 10:14 AM

#25887 RE: BayTrader280 #25886

This company moves money like a drug dealer. No one knows where it's all at or how to count it. Some in the basement, a little in the garage in a trash can and a bunch in the spare tire. They are running a numbers game that can't be gamed. Is it criminal? In my opinion yes but these golden boys can do what they want apparently. Sad but they finally put the fork in solar energy investment. I am long SUNEQ but will never consider solar again. It has been more of a comedy, and at times good criminal saga but that's wall street. James Patterson couldn't write a saga this good. LOL


08/13/16 10:41 AM

#25890 RE: BayTrader280 #25886

Assumed debt is deemed cash consideration in a asset sale transaction. So the sale values are not the cash to sune. Assumed debt that's included in the BK estate is like cash but India was excluded. Translation: only net cash received to apply to the billions in debt included in the BK.

It really doesn't matter. If the assets values were anywhere close to the liabilities, the statement "hopelessly insolvent" would not be used by the judge. I'm positive the BK court is way more in tune with the true asset values vs anyone here.

This is hopeless to commons.


08/13/16 11:01 AM

#25892 RE: BayTrader280 #25886

Simple Explanation: Every energy project is set up under a single legal entity, e.g. LLC, where the project is funded by equity, debt and construction creditors as a project is developed/constructed. When SUNE sells a project it is selling only its equity interest in the LLC free and clear of all of its third party liens as equity owner. NRG's recent stalking horse bid of $144 million cash is for SUNE's equity in 2,093 MW of projects. SUNE must then repay any lender/creditor from whom it borrowed to fund its equity for those projects. To date, SUNE has PSA's for 4,528 MW of projects for $422.5 million in cash. Those funds will go to its DIP lenders until the $1.3 billion loans, accrued interest and expenses are repaid.