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08/05/16 11:28 AM

#21992 RE: jimmirehman #21991

We all have money in this but this CEO has proven he will do nothing for shareholders.

He only has two options to make his company enticing for others to buy:

1. Buy back about 5 billion shares (yeah right) which won't affect those already in this POS.


2. Do a massive reverse split pretty much wiping out all of the money people have invested in this.

Which option so you think he will take? I doubt he will use his money to buy back shares.



08/05/16 3:12 PM

#21995 RE: jimmirehman #21991

So did you talk to Bud?


08/08/16 9:06 AM

#21996 RE: jimmirehman #21991

Today is our day?