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07/23/16 2:00 PM

#217004 RE: Couch #216997

Nasrat in my opinion already gave us a clue during the July conference call what's going to happen. and I can't remember word for word but he said something about September.
now what that entails I don't know is it just a label change to add in the sprinkle on applesauce, or is it going to be like the other two Oxys, one hour before two hours afterwards. And if a small study is needed I think it's only going to take a month or so based on his guidelines when he said September.
But I'm really believing that they have already met on what the next plan is they just had to legally wait until we receive this CRL

but I do look for September to be the approval based on the conference call in July.


07/23/16 2:07 PM

#217011 RE: Couch #216997

The FDA already has issues with IR Oxy in market now. They don't want another IR with the same safety issues. They want something better. That is what SequestOx was portrayed to be these past few years, but we realized on Monday much was hidden to the public to our dismay.