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07/22/16 4:57 PM

#251326 RE: StephanieVanbryce #251325

Stephanie, and all -- Peter Wehner's "The Man the Founders Feared" included in full at/see (linked in) and preceding and following


07/22/16 5:07 PM

#251327 RE: StephanieVanbryce #251325

Trump Acceptance Speech Bombs: Does Same Ratings As Romney, Less Than McCain

By Jason Easley on Fri, Jul 22nd, 2016 at 4:37 pm

The myth that Donald Trump is a special political ratings draw was smashed as Trump’s acceptance speech had about the same number of viewers as Mitt Romney’s did in 2012, and 10 million fewer viewers than John McCain did in 2008.

Donald Trump promised that he would double the television ratings for his convention, Trump’s screaming rant of an acceptance speech drew 30 million viewers + streaming, which was on par with what Mitt Romney drew in 2012.

Trump began with big plans. In May, Politico reported, “From speaking slots to prime-time moments reserved for himself, the television celebrity and Manhattan billionaire is dealing directly in the details of his coronation as Republican nominee to maximize the drama and spectacle of the party’s four-night convention.”

Trump wanted to go big on entertainment. He wanted sports stars, or as he calls them, “winners” to speak at his convention. One by one, the winners turned him down. Tom Brady said no. Tim Tebow said no. Even Chicago Bears coaching legend Mike Ditka said no. The RNC squashed Trump’s plan to have convicted murderer and boxing promoter Don King speak that convention, and after a huge public outcry, Trump had to scrap his plan to have convicted rapist Mike Tyson speak at the convention.

What Trump ended up with was a bunch of his friends, people who never spoke a political convention before, the fringes of the Republican Party, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, a diss from Ted Cruz, and tons of Trump family.

It was not good television.

The record ratings never came. Donald Trump’s convention, much like his candidacy, failed to live up to what he promised. Donald Trump isn’t the big ratings draw that he claims to be. In fact, it turns that Republicans have managed to nominate nothing more than orange Mitt Romney with impulse control issues as their candidate for president.

Donald Trump lied, and the Republican Party died.


07/22/16 11:15 PM

#251354 RE: StephanieVanbryce #251325

but he neglected to tell us how the "One Worlders" (bush crowd) as they were called by many in the state dept. and defense dept. step by step over many years ..finally gained ground enough to take over the GOP. Their coup de grace being seen in the NAFTA and GATT slam dunk. They could not achieve this by treaty mechanism 2/3 vote by Senate, so they (bush followed by clinton) pushed it through congress as Executive Agreement ie joint resolution requiring only a plurality vote. After only 18 hours of debate ... and lots of arm twisting and deal making, it passed. I watched all 18 hours on CSPAN. Here is a little from my hero Fritz Hollings. watch and learn

Fast forward to now...


07/27/16 1:20 AM

#251573 RE: StephanieVanbryce #251325

Former U.S. Attorney Ditches GOP Over ‘Dangerous Demagogue’ Donald Trump

Marcos Daniel Jiménez said he is no longer a member of the Republican Party because it has turned into a “party of hate.”
Marcos Daniel Jiménez isn’t buying Trump’s “law and order” act.
07/26/2016 [with comments]


The Obvious And Unlikeable

Forget the Democratic Convention, I’ve already made up my mind. I’m a lifelong Republican and I don’t like or trust Hillary Clinton. But I am voting for her.
Does that make me a traitor? No, actually a patriot. After watching the Republican National Convention, I’m more committed than ever to the fundamental principle that loyalty to country trumps (sorry) loyalty to party. Listening to the panoply of speakers, (some more F Troop than A-List), it’s clear that Donald Trump and his supporters have lost all respect for the political process. The personal demonization of your opponent that Newt Gingrich started during the Bill Clinton presidency, which then became even more vitriolic during President Obama’s terms, has only grown more venomous during this election. In addition to being a narcissistic, racist, fear-mongering sociopath, Trump offers no real solutions to our nation’s problems and his irrational, divisive rhetoric is a far greater threat to the party’s future than Secretary Clinton.
[...] [with comments]


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